DISCLAIMER: None of the information I share on this site is my own. I simply try to collect the best rumors and information I feel applies to a given day’s news and information that I hear or read about the "New Iraqi Dinar". Those I do speak with, I trust. So, any personal phone calls that I share on the blog, I have reason to believe they are sincere in their intent, and I believe they are in some way connected to those who do know what is going on. As for myself, I am connected to no “source”, just to those who tell me they are. I will never reveal a “contact” of mine, or their “source” for the purpose of giving more grounds or proof of their claims. Just take everything as a rumor and allow it to reveal itself over time. I have no hidden agenda for posting what I deem to be worthy reading. I’m just trying to make this difficult ride easier to follow for my family, friends, acquaintances, and anyone they deem to share this site with. I wish you all the very best! I hope this ride will end soon. It has definitely taken its toll… – Dinar Daddy

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


[10:08] Phoenix3333: just popping in to say hi
[10:08] Phoenix3333: no major news...other than the US senetors in Iraq
[10:08] Phoenix3333: a lot going on behind the curtain
[10:08] Phoenix3333: much going on
[10:08] Phoenix3333: so all looks well
[10:09] Phoenix3333: use this time that God has blessed us with to make final plans
[10:09] Phoenix3333: and to give thought to our plan of action and dreams
[10:09] Phoenix3333: tweek what needs to be changed
[10:10] Phoenix3333: tweek our hearts and souls if needed
[10:10] Phoenix3333: we may find we have to make last moment adjustments to our plans
[10:11] Phoenix3333: Had the chance to talk to frank last night'
[10:11] Phoenix3333: seems like a nice fellow
[10:12] Brabus: Phoenix - Has it been determined if the ISX opened or not today?
[10:12] Phoenix3333: no clue on the ISX
[10:12] Phoenix3333: I am getting a late start today and am just checking in
[10:12] Phoenix3333: just scanned the news quick
[10:12] Phoenix3333: I have to travel today
10:23] Phoenix3333: So the ISX WAS closed today?
[10:24] frankie: curiouser and curiouser.
[10:24] Phoenix3333: nice
10:29] Phoenix3333: ok
[10:29] Phoenix3333: all is well
[10:29] Phoenix3333: ok today the news is dead
[10:29] Phoenix3333: the US deligation is in Iraq
[10:29] Phoenix3333: the ISX was closed again
[10:30] Mr.Hood: I saw Macaan with Maliki
[10:30] Phoenix3333: tomorrow we have a hoiliday in Iraq
[10:30] Mr.Hood: ISX closed again? WTF???
[10:30] Phoenix3333: all banks closed and the ISX
[10:30] Mr.Hood: are they planning to open?
[10:30] Phoenix3333: we aRE LOOKING GOOD
[10:30] Mr.Hood: but the CBI was open, right?
[10:33] GameBall: NEWS: Parliamentary source said that the parliamentary blocs are being held an important meeting today to discuss a number of important issues before the Council and pending them.
[10:33] GameBall: The source told the reporter (news agency, Iraqi Information / conscious) that "The first point to be discussed by leaders of the blocs is the issue of lack of quorum and that caused the block number of issues and laws
[10:33] Mr.Hood: do you have a link for that?
[10:34] GameBall: http://al-iraqnews.net/new/iconomi/index.1.html
[10:34] GameBall: there are many news sites, this is just one of them
[10:35] GameBall: brb
[10:36] Mr.Hood: this is good
[10:37] Phoenix3333: ok
[10:37] Dfrogisme: Should I leave
[10:37] Dfrogisme: ?
[10:37] Mr.Hood: ISX Closed --> http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=es&ie=UTF-8&sl=ar&tl=en&u=http://al-iraqnews.net/new/iconomi/49215.html&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&usg=ALkJrhg8BTXktF_QKJzqwr17tj3F-_-p7w
[10:37] Phoenix3333: Gameball that meeting was cancelled
[10:37] Mr.Hood: thx GB
[10:38] Phoenix3333: out of 275 members only 30 people showed up
[10:38] Phoenix3333: so the Parliment has ajourned until sunday
[10:38] Dfrogisme: Now THAT is ridiculous
[10:38] Dfrogisme: only 30 members showing up
[10:39] Phoenix3333: most of the members of parliment are not running for reelection and because of that have just stopped coming
[10:39] Phoenix3333: many have cleaned out their stuff and gone home
[10:39] Dfrogisme: because they are crooks
[10:39] Dfrogisme: And will not be able to get away with the crap they used to
[10:39] Phoenix3333: there is a real concern right now because some are saying the government of Iraq is in failure at this time
[10:40] Dfrogisme: Yeah I heard
[10:40] Phoenix3333: because more than half of Parliment have stopped all work
[10:40] Dfrogisme: On the radio on Sunday
[10:41] Phoenix3333: ok I have to get going
[10:41] Phoenix3333: I have somethings to do
[10:41] Phoenix3333: I will see everyone later
[10:41] Phoenix3333: have fun!
[10:41] Dfrogisme: yup
[10:41] Phoenix3333: bbl.................

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