DISCLAIMER: None of the information I share on this site is my own. I simply try to collect the best rumors and information I feel applies to a given day’s news and information that I hear or read about the "New Iraqi Dinar". Those I do speak with, I trust. So, any personal phone calls that I share on the blog, I have reason to believe they are sincere in their intent, and I believe they are in some way connected to those who do know what is going on. As for myself, I am connected to no “source”, just to those who tell me they are. I will never reveal a “contact” of mine, or their “source” for the purpose of giving more grounds or proof of their claims. Just take everything as a rumor and allow it to reveal itself over time. I have no hidden agenda for posting what I deem to be worthy reading. I’m just trying to make this difficult ride easier to follow for my family, friends, acquaintances, and anyone they deem to share this site with. I wish you all the very best! I hope this ride will end soon. It has definitely taken its toll… – Dinar Daddy

Monday, January 18, 2010



After more than six years in Iraq, the United Nations is changing it approach from a solely emergency humanitarian response mode to a track that will focus on long-term social, political and economic development.

Christine McNab, the world body's number 2 in the country, outlined five areas which would be addressed under this new phase--good governance and human rights, strengthening the Iraqi government's ability to provide services to its people, private sector development and economic diversification, environment and climate change, and human resource development.

"Water is a huge issue," McNab told the gathered diplomats, noting that water scarcity is a looming challenge not just in Iraq but also in the Middle East as a whole.

With one and a half million Iraqis still in need of humanitarian assistance, McNab pointed out that the UN would still be continuing with its critical post-conflict work as well, particularly de-mining and disaster management.

The notable challenges for the country that has seen a prolonged insurgency, according to the senior UN official, would be dealing with issues of urbanisation such as sanitation and drinking water, public accountability for corruption, modernisation of services and strengthening the private sector.

The ambassador from Iran, Mohammad Khazaee, said Tehran looked forward to "working very closely" with its neighbour.

Iraq will hold its parliamentary elections in March 2011.



Compiled Blurb

Information is subject to change as it is a compiled information blurb, and not an official information source document . *Thank you to the contributors of this information*

1. We know from Maliki\'s letter to the UN dated 13 Dec 2009 that it is his intention to bring Iraq into the community during 2010.

2. We know that his letter stated originally 2009 or 2010 and it is dated 13 Dec 2009. Therefore this would seem to indicate a degree of imminence in itself since he included 2009 with only 17 days left in that year!

3. From this letter then we know now a time frame and a FACT that the RV will occur by his use of the phrase to \"bring Iraq into the international financial community.\"

4. This was echoed by the UN in July when we found a document in which was buried on about the 50th page the statement that the UN intended to revalue the currency of Iraq as well.

5. The programmed rate of 1170 IQD to the dollar was set to expire on January 12. This needs to be verified.

6. The Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) is scheduled to come into affect for Iraq on the 12th, the same day that the programmed rate expires.

7. The purpose of the ERM is to stabilize a given currency among several currencies that participate in the ERM so that large fluctuations are avoided. The goal of the ERM, as was the case in Europe, is to bring the currency group into \"parity\" and then eventually create a single currency for all of the countries in the group.

8. The fact that Iraq is participating in an ERM indicates that there is a plan, as yet not announced publicly, for a group of countries to form a unified currency in the ME.

9. The GCC has already indicated its desire to form a single currency and has in fact already invited and accepted Iraq into the GCC as a \"fully fledged member\". This occurred in July.

10. For Iraq to become a fully fledged member, however, it has to have an internationally recognized currency. It\'s entry therefore is another indication that the plan is in the works for an RV of the dinar.

11. The average current level of currencies in the GCC is about $3.45. It is therefore reasonable to suspect that the IQD will be RVd either at that rate or at a lower rate and then be allowed to rise to that rate prior to the creation of the single ME currency.

12. The ERM allows for a fixed rate platform, a managed float platform, and a free float platform.

13. We have heard rumors that the RV would include a short time frame for exchanging dinars. Periods from 30 days to 45 days seem to predominate. None has projected less than 30 days that I am aware of.

14. Presumably and logically the cash-in \"window\" would be used to draw in all notes of 1,000 dinar or larger. My assumption is that these would eventually be destroyed and then the IQD would have notes similar to the US dollar (1, 5, 20, 50, and 100) plus coinage as we do. All of this has already been planned for and I have read that the bills have been produced.

15. The final key to our analysis is to attempt to put a narrower time frame on the RV. This begins with March 17 as the farthest out possible date. The reasoning is as follows:

16. The IMF has announced that it is 7 trillion dinar to Iraq to support its First payment on that loan is due on March 17. This number seems enormous on the surface and would lead us to believe that

17. The loan cannot be repaid with the current valuation of the dinar. However at $1 or $3 for the value of the dinar (instead of $.0008) the loan becomes somewhere between $2.5 billion and $7 billion.

18. Given the fact that the Iraqi budget, based on $60 per barrel oil, is going to be less than $100 billion, then the loan represents somewhere between 2.5% and 7% of the budget, which is reasonable. However,

19. It is ONLY reasonable if the IQD is revalued. And in order to pay its first payment the RV would have to occur BEFORE the first payment is due. This is all consistent with Maliki\'s statement in his letter to the UN.

20. I have read that the IMF has rules that insist that Iraq be prepared to make its payments from 30 to 45 days PRIOR to the payment date, and that it much show proof to the IMF. This needs to be verified by our group but is reasonable. In any case, however, the IMF clearly would NOT have announced the loan unless it KNEW that Iraq would be able to pay it back. This is a secondary confirmation that an RV is close.

21. The election takes place on March 7. Clearly Maliki intends to be re-elected. Clearly also it is in his best interest to get the RV done prior to the election so that he can benefit from that event.

22. Election laws prohibit certain major expenses and changes in expense structures 30 days prior to the election (this is to prevent fraud and \"buying\" of an election). I have read this and should be able to provide a link, or someone else should post it for us so we have it in writing. This means that Maliki has until February 7 to get the RV done; otherwise he will have violated Iraqi law and placed a cloud on his re-election chances.

23. Finally, the new budget obviously has to be in affect shortly, and clearly very soon since the first payment from the IMF is due on March 17. We learned yesterday that the budget is conditionally approved with only 2 small elements to be worked out.

24. We can be confident that the budget will be finalized this week, IMO.

25. We can therefore now state with a good degree of confidence that the RV must occur sometime between now and February 7. The sooner it is done the better for Maliki and his election prospects, in my opinion, since he has more time for the impact of the RV to be felt by the people.

26. It is likely that the coup attempt was made yesterday with the foreknowledge that Maliki has this \"rabbit in the hat\" and that once the RV is announced there will be no stopping his re-election.


Expect an expert in the Iraqi Central Bank get a positive effect for the foreseeable future in the monetary policy of the bank, to combat inflation by raising the Iraqi dinar exchange rate by using monetary tools available, and up to contain inflation pressures generated by the total expenditure

وأشار المدير العام لمركز الإحصاء والأبحاث في المصرف المركزي العراقي، مظهر محمد صالح، إلى ان المصرف يسعى في إطار إصلاحاته إلى تأسيس بنية تحتية للصيرفة المركزية في العراق، تعتبر اكثر حـــداثة وملاءمة للتطورات المقبلة في المناخ المصرفي العراقي، من خلال تقوية نظم المدفوعات التي تربط المصرف المركزي بالمصـارف العاملة عبر نظام آلي، موضحاً ان هذه الآلية تعمل على تمكين البنك المركزي من إقراض المصارف يومياً، عند تعرضها إلى بعض مشكلات توافر السيولة، فضلاً عن تقليل خطر التلاعب والاحتيال لاحتواء هذه الآلية على درجة عالية من الكتمان والسرية. The Director-General of the Center for Statistics and Research in the Iraqi Central Bank, the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, the Bank seeks in the context of reforms to establish an infrastructure of central banking in Iraq, is more modern and appropriate for future developments in the Iraqi banking climate, by strengthening the payment systems that link the bank Central banks operating through an automated system, adding that this mechanism works to enable the central bank from lending banks a day, when exposed to some of the problems of liquidity, as well as reduce the risk of manipulation and fraud of such a mechanism to contain a high degree of secrecy and confidentiality.

وكشف صالح عن إجراءات أخرى تتعلق بعمليات تطوير مــــزاد السندات وتحــــويــلات البنك المركزي تشجع عمليات السوق المفتوحة، مؤكداً عمق تأثيرها في نسب السيولة وتحقيق نمو منظم في الكتل النقدية. Saleh revealed other actions related to development operations auction bonds and encourage the central bank transfers, open market operations, emphasizing the depth of its impact on liquidity and an orderly growth in the masses of cash.

وأوضح ان معدلات المبيعات في المزاد الواحد ارتفع إلى 200 بليون دينار عراقي لكل مزاد، بعد ان كان 100 بليون دينار لكل
مزاد سابقاً. He explained that the sales in the auction, one rose to 200 billion Iraqi dinars for each auction, after it was 100 billion dinars for each auction before.

ودعا صالح في السياق ذاته إلى اتباع سياسة مالية متناسقة مع سياسة المصرف المركزي النقدية، وصولاً إلى استقرار اقتصادي قائم على تشجيع الإنفـــاق الاستثماري وخفض الإنفاق الاستهلاكي على نحو يساعد في تشغـــيل الطاقات العاطلة عن العمل في الاقتصاد، سواء كانت مادية أم بشرية، فضلاً عن مكافحة الفقر ورعاية الفقراء ضمن منظومة الحماية الاجتماعية، مشدداً على ضرورة ان ينصبّ الإنفاق الاستهلاكي على هذه القطاعات، ما يتطلب إعادة النظر في نشاطات الدعم التي يجب ان تُعطى الأولوية فيها لقطاع الإنتاج، لكن ليس على حساب الواقع الخدماتي والصحي والتربوي He also called for in the same context for a fiscal policy consistent with the Central Bank's monetary policy, leading to economic stability based on encouraging investment spending and reduce consumer spending, which should help in the operation of their idle capacity in the economy, whether material or human, as well as the fight against poverty and care for the poor within the system of social protection, stressing the need to focus consumer spending on these sectors, which requires re-consideration of the support activities that must be given priority by the production sector, but not at the expense of fact, service and health and education




Boy, when I read this article, it certainly doesn't seem like they are talking about "tidal waves" and "rising waters" and "tsunamis" to me. LOL! If I'm reading this right, and I know nothing, I could swear they are talking about the "more than 10 countries affected by the tsunami" (remember the 11 countries the UN referenced on their site some time ago?). Just a thought.

I'm definitely NOT saying that's what this article means, but it reads more like an RV prep letter than a news article about the climate. Besides, since when does the World Bank involve itself in environmental studies that affect climates? The line at the very bottom of the article really grabs me, "The arab countries will be the world's most affected by climate change, and least prepared to face it.".

Environmental study referred to the recently announced that the sea-level rise by one meter will turn 56 million people in 84 countries including Iraq to internally displaced for environmental reasons.

The study, conducted by the World Bank's climate information and published in World Policy Journal, the U.S. that Iraq would be among the more than 10 countries affected by the tsunami was expected as devour most of the territorial waters of the Gulf South, according to the study.

The results of this report prepared by the Arab Forum for Environment and Development non-governmental organizations have shown that the Arab countries will be the world's most affected by climate change, and least prepared to face it.

Monday, January 18, 2010 Monday, January 18, 2010



As Iraq Progresses, UN To Focus On Development

Tuesday, 19 January 2010, 1:28 pm
Press Release: United Nations As Iraq Makes Progress, UN To Focus More On Social And Economic Development
New York, Jan 18 2010 7:10PM

United Nations efforts to help Iraq continue to evolve with the war-torn country’s progress as the Government is now seeking increasing support for social and economic development in the years to come, Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro said today.


Addressing a conference of the International Compact with Iraq at UN Headquarters in New York, she noted the important advances made since it was launched in 2006 “at a time of great scepticism” in a bid to forge a new partnership with the international community to consolidate peace and pursue political, economic and social development over the next five years.

“There were doubts about Iraq’s readiness for a major commitment; it was feared that it lacked a political process to frame such an overarching vision, and that the institutions were not yet ready for implementation,” she said. “It was also thought that the international community would not provide adequate support, and that the gap between the Government of Iraq and the rest of the world was too great…”

“The Compact offered a new beginning on the path toward peace and prosperity –.a path built on a shared vision between the Government of Iraq and the international community, a path based on the commitment of all partners to devote their goodwill and resources to Iraq’s recovery.”

Now, security has improved, normal life has increasingly returned, markets have re-opened and operate at normal hours, electricity and water delivery have returned to pre-war levels, and Iraq held successful provincial elections a year ago, with parliamentary elections scheduled for early March. The economy is also showing signs of life, oil production is increasing, and international interest in further developing Iraq’s oilfields has been overwhelming.

“All this progress notwithstanding, much work remains to be done,” she said. “Iraq’s challenges today are daunting and numerous. The political process is incomplete, and the country falls far short of its potential with regard to its social and economic development.

“These challenges will require the continued support and know-how of the international community. Iraq still needs its international partners, and the world still needs a peaceful and prosperous Iraq.”

The Compact is jointly chaired by the Iraqi Government and the UN, with the support of <"http://www.worldbank.org/">World Bank.


MIKE5961 CHAT - Dinar Vets 1/18/10 @ 4:15pm CST

The real facts are the oil deals and budget are almost done, and when the GCC is back up and running on the 23rd, you will have your RV at $2.66, and Iraq is back home with the GCC. They were in the GCC from the very first day, so why not go back in with the other GCC powerhouses? The facts are, they're back online the 23rd, and this is the day.


Just remember, that with the good also comes the bad. Also, there are those who's job it is to deceive and manipulate us into believing things to be different than they really are.

From A Friend: Brother-In-Law A Syrian Parliament Member
WARNING: If you do not want to see a rumor of another 4-5 years before RV - close your eyes before reading!

Last week, I mentioned to those in chat, that I ran across a friend of mine from Syria. His brother-in-law is a member of the Syrian Parliament. I asked my friend if he knew anything about the Iraqi Dinar and he told me that he had been buying it over the last three years. ( He is able to purchase the Dinar out of Syria, through his family back home)

When I asked if he thought the IQD would revalue anytime soon he said YES. I asked him if he thought it would be prior to the elections and he said that his definition of "soon" was 4-5 years from now. He told me that the last time he and his brother-in-law spoke about the IQD (November) he was told 4-5 years before there would be any sort of revaluation of the currency.

I began to tell him about everything I was reading here and on other Dinar sites. He seemed to get a bit excited because these were things his brother-in-law told him must happen in order to revalue the Dinar. He said he would call him and ask if he still felt they were 4-5 years away. Well, he spoke with him over the weekend and was told 4-5 years was still the time frame.

Anyway, that's all I have. Take it as rumor and try not attack me because it isn't something you might want to hear. Just a rumor.

To ME, it's a bit more than rumor because I know this man and I know he is telling me the truth. What I hope, is that his brother-in-law is wrong. Some folks got a little upset in chat when I brought this news to them and questioned what info anyone in Syria might have on the Dinar. Well, I don't know but it seems to me that Syria has a vested interest in KNOWING what's up with the IQD.

News - Iraq regain its position of global trade
عبر تنفيذ اضخم مشروع بحري يربطه مع سوريا وتركيا Through the implementation of the largest offshore project linking it with Syria and Turkey


Anyway......I hope he's wrong!!!


Posted 18/01/2010 06:00 AM

Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki said the basis of the consolidation of relations between Iraq and the European Union is a common desire on both sides and support the EU for the new Iraq, which get rid of dictatorship and moved towards democracy, freedom, elections, and openness to the world.

The Prime Minister said during a meeting in his official office today, Monday, 18 / 1, European Union Commissioner for Energy Piebalgs Anders, said the cooperation agreement in the field of energy that took place today between the two sides will be channeled to the interests of Iraq and the European Union, has seen the light and the signature confirms that the image of the new Iraq has the support of the EU countries, which we hope to work to help Iraq out of Chapter VII and to get rid of the burdens and problems inherited from the former regime, calling for the creation of the Convention in its final form for presentation to the Council of Ministers for approval by Parliament.

The prime minister: reassure countries in the world that Iraq will not return to a totalitarian regime and build a pioneering experiment in the region and will be a stabilizing factor and the country renounces war and intervention in the affairs of others.

The Prime Minister thanked the EU countries for its support for Iraq and for its training of Iraqi police and the rest of the ministries, and desire the success of the elections and participation in control with other countries and organizations.

He praised the EU Amlfod developments in Iraq and the policy of diversification of energy sources pursued by the Iraqi government, he expressed his admiration for the oil contracts signed during the two rounds of licenses, saying: It stunned the world and Maatmtat by the highest levels of transparency.

He stressed that the EU would continue to cooperate with Iraq and will make efforts to remove Iraq from Chapter VII, and the democratic experiment and its relations with developed countries in the world, reiterated EU's readiness to assist in the success of the upcoming elections



3:30 pm CR-5 Special Events: "The United Nations in Iraq in 2010: Lessens Learned From the Iraq Compact and the Way Forward ...


10:00 am SCCR Security Council Consultations:
-Haiti - Other matters

12:00 nn Dag. Ham. Auditorium Noon Briefing: by the Spokesman of the Secretary-General. Colleagues from the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), will join in the briefing via video conference.

The press conference will be webcast live at http://www.un.org/webcast

archived at http://www.un.org/webcast/pressbriefing.html


3:00 pm TNL Building, Room NL-03000 Presentation of Credentials:

The Secretary-General will receive credentials from H.E. Mrs. Marta Horvath Fekszi, new Permanent Representative of Hungary (UN PHOTO,UN TV,INTERNATIONAL MEDIA)

** MONDAY, 18 JANUARY 2010

3:30 pm CR-5 Special Events:

**Discussion on "The United Nations in Iraq in 2010: Lessens learned from the Iraq Compact and the way forward"

Opening remarks by Mrs. Asha-Rose Migiro, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General.

Briefings by: Mr. Ibrahim Gambari, Special Adviser of the Secretary-General; H.E. Mr. Hamid Al Bayati, Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations; and Ms. Christine McNab, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Iraq.

UN Media Alert

ADAM MONTANA CHAT - Dinar Vets 1/18/10 @ 7:44am EST

Adam Montana seems like a straight shooter to me. I don't know him personally, but his heart seems to be in the right place. I HAVE purchased his book for my own reference. In my eyes, it never hurts to expose yourself to more knowledge. I have added a link at the top of my blog (IN BRIGHT YELLOW) that will allow you to click to his site and proceed with making a donation to the Haiti Relief Aid Effort. Apparently, you do this by purchasing his eBook. ALL the proceeds will be going to Haiti. This situation in Haiti is just aweful! Please don't take this "tidbit" as me endorsing his book, because I want each to make their own decision whether to purchase his reference guide / dinar-for-dummies eBook on their own. I've personally found it interesting. It's just a kind gesture on his part to donate his proceeds to their cause, and I'm all for helping others.

7:44 AM [Adam Montana] ok I only have a second
7:44 AM [Adam Montana] we spoke yesterday morning about a fudraiser for Haiti
7:44 AM [Adam Montana] everyone in the room agreed it was a great idea
7:44 AM [Adam Montana] for those that missed it
7:44 AM [Adam Montana] here's a recap
7:45 AM [Adam Montana] Sunglass has graciously agreed to act as bookkeeper
7:45 AM [Adam Montana] she has access to all sales records
7:45 AM [Adam Montana] for the next 3 days
7:45 AM [Adam Montana] all book sales up to $2000 go to Haiti
7:45 AM [Adam Montana] all personal non-book sales that are donated through the forum
7:45 AM [Adam Montana] I will match
7:45 AM [Adam Montana] up to $500
7:46 AM [Adam Montana] that means that by selling 50 books and collecting $500 in contributions from the members
7:46 AM [Adam Montana] we will send at least $3000 as a community to help out in Haiti
7:46 AM [Adam Montana] money will go to the Red Cross
7:46 AM [Adam Montana] listen
7:46 AM [Adam Montana] this is a piece of cake. I'm not going to hold back, the boook is hot right now
7:46 AM [Adam Montana] sold 10 copies yesterday
7:46 AM [Adam Montana] that means in 3 days I'll probably sell 30 copies on my own
7:47 AM [Adam Montana] so the 7000+ members of the forum only need to generate 20 more sales to hit 50
7:47 AM [Adam Montana] and I'm giving every cent to Haiti
7:47 AM [Adam Montana] ok?
7:47 AM [Adam Montana] I don't want to hear any complainnig or anything
User brokendiver5 has logged in.
7:47 AM [Adam Montana] if you already donated, great - send the link to your email contacts
7:47 AM [Adam Montana] if you don't want the book - I don't care. I'm interested in what the good members of the community WILL do to help out
7:47 AM [Adam Montana] over 150,000 dead
7:48 AM [Adam Montana] and the number is rising
7:48 AM [Adam Montana] sometimes people will give more if they have something to gain
7:48 AM [Adam Montana] right now they can get a book that will give them valuable information on the Iraqi Dinar
7:48 AM [SBX] Awesome Adam.....very big of you...respect
7:48 AM [Adam Montana] here is the link
7:48 AM [Adam Montana] http://dinarvets.com/forums/announcement.php?f=2
7:48 AM [Adam Montana] Sunglass please starta thread to report sales
7:48 AM [Adam Montana] and I'll link it
7:48 AM [Sunglass] will do
7:48 AM [Adam Montana] now I'm late
7:49 AM [Adam Montana] we're a good community
7:49 AM [SBX] indeed
7:49 AM [Adam Montana] let's give something to the world
7:49 AM [Adam Montana] have a good day I'll be back later
7:49 AM [rabidrex] Adam..THe book is super...Thanks man! Good Job. I got my moneys worth!

Fund raiser results so far: http://dinarvets.com/forums/showthre...ons-Fundraiser


Through the implementation of the largest offshore project linking it with Syria and Turkey, Ministry of Transportation is preparing with the two countries Turkey and Syria, the implementation of the largest offshore project Ministry of Transportation is preparing with the two countries Turkey and Syria, the implementation of the largest offshore project Globally.

Globally. This was announced by the Conference Esmat Amer horses Director General Company for Maritime Transport, said that the project aims to transfer merchandise and global investment from Europe to Asia and vice versa through the Iraqi line - Turkey - Syria, is the largest investment project prepared by the economic and engineering talents to reach the Iraqi foreign trade of goods to Iraq and a low cost, and record time, rapid and limited significance of the project to develop maritime and deliver it to a quantum leap sophisticated global and internationally in addition to the development of the Iraqi economy and its diversity through this project which will support business and economic goods for less cost than they have previously called this huge project to draft a global ( replacement oil) because of its great importance and intense rival of the oil, the largest Interesting economic and financial benefit of Iraq is primarily a greatly and the participating States and European countries unexpectedly and in record time, unexpectedly, started in the roots of the project in 2009 and work will begin implementation during the current year.

This would put Iraq on the path of the project cultural exchange and trade new and modern, Iraq will be a complex large commercial ships to unload their goods when the world to convey to the other countries in Asia and vice versa, where transmitted from Asia to Europe. This was announced by the Conference Esmat Amer horses Director General Company for Maritime Transport, said that the project aims to transfer merchandise and global investment from Europe to Asia and vice versa through the Iraqi line - Turkey - Syria, is the largest investment project prepared by the economic and engineering talents to reach the Iraqi foreign trade of goods to Iraq and a low cost, and record time, rapid and limited significance of the project to develop maritime and deliver it to a quantum leap sophisticated global and internationally in addition to the development of the Iraqi economy and its diversity through this project which will support business and economic goods for less cost than they have previously called this huge project to draft a global (replacement oil) because of its great importance and intense rival of the oil, the largest Interesting economic and financial benefit of Iraq is primarily a greatly and the participating States and European countries unexpectedly and in record time, unexpectedly, started in the roots of the project in 2009 and work will begin implementation during the current year

This would put Iraq on the path of the project cultural exchange and trade new and modern, Iraq will be a complex large commercial ships to unload their goods when the world to convey to the other countries in Asia and vice versa, where transmitted from Asia to Europe. In a related development, Esmat Amer, said that Iraq, 32 years later he was able to buy two ships mammoth for use in his business and there is a third ship in the way and pointed out that Esmat European and global companies began flocking to Iraq to contribute actively to this project and the construction of the biggest international port in Kurdistan, called Dry Port, which will be on the way exchange of goods and unloading was the first maritime companies to contribute to the next JPL's largest international companies which will put the marine intensive studies for its active participation in this project was to visit the Transport Minister's recent visit to Turkey a huge step in the right direction for this project .

In a related development, Esmat Amer, said that Iraq, 32 years later he was able to buy two ships mammoth for use in his business and there is a third ship in the way and pointed out that Esmat European and global companies began flocking to Iraq to contribute actively to this project and the construction of the biggest international port in Kurdistan, called Dry Port, which will be on the way exchange of goods and unloading was the first maritime companies to contribute to the next JPL's largest international companies which will put the marine intensive studies for its active participation in this project was to visit the Transport Minister's recent visit to Turkey a huge step in the right direction for this project.
