DISCLAIMER: None of the information I share on this site is my own. I simply try to collect the best rumors and information I feel applies to a given day’s news and information that I hear or read about the "New Iraqi Dinar". Those I do speak with, I trust. So, any personal phone calls that I share on the blog, I have reason to believe they are sincere in their intent, and I believe they are in some way connected to those who do know what is going on. As for myself, I am connected to no “source”, just to those who tell me they are. I will never reveal a “contact” of mine, or their “source” for the purpose of giving more grounds or proof of their claims. Just take everything as a rumor and allow it to reveal itself over time. I have no hidden agenda for posting what I deem to be worthy reading. I’m just trying to make this difficult ride easier to follow for my family, friends, acquaintances, and anyone they deem to share this site with. I wish you all the very best! I hope this ride will end soon. It has definitely taken its toll… – Dinar Daddy

Saturday, January 16, 2010



It has been very fun trying to keep up with everything, but what started out as fun information for my friends and family, has turned into something much more. After SFMedic put out his announcement on his site, it seems my little private blog turned into something for everyone to follow, and those following my site went from 25 - 50 of my closest friends, to well over 1,500. It's amazing how quickly hype can grow in this investment. None of the hype came from me to promote my private blog.

I will keep the site as it is, and post an occasional tidbit or two from those I can, and keep the links up. They are a great reference location for all the information you can access for yourselves. Feel free to use them. As for me, this is just too much. I've been getting too many questions from Medic supporters, if not Medic himself about his posts that come from EVERY ONE of the other sites. I also wish to protect my friends over at One Dinar. It's not worth it to me to create an enemy over something so small to me.

I wish you all the very best in this investment. I really do! I was talking to a friend last night, and I shared with him that when I started this blog on Dec 8th, I thought it would only be needed for a couple of weeks. LOL! Here we are approaching the end of January. That stinks if you ask me! ;-/

Anyway, I'm out. I'm not a "guru" trying to vie for internet supremacy. I'm just a guy who wants to make it to the other side of this investment. Time for me to disappear. I'm sorry... I can't keep it going any longer. Too many scary people out there. Too many who feel the need to be heard. I know nothing.

May you each find happiness in your life. May the Lord's richest blessings fall upon you. May you receive the righteous desires of your hearts. May our Heavenly Father touch the hearts of those who lead our world to show mercy and bless the masses with His abundance. I pray for each of your welfare and safety.

Dinar Daddy


Current Value: 1170
RV Date: 1-17-10
RV Rate: $1.17 US

I've read a detailed post about this a couple of months back. Worth being aware of anyway... Let's hope!

PHOENIX POST: After The Gold Rush 1/16/10


January 17th The Cork will... POP!

Uranus - Winds of Change

"With Uranus turning direct on December 1, 2009 and Jupiter moving into Pisces on January 17, 2010, we will be on the road to the shift of a generation of events."

Uranus is a sign for 7 years. The Planet Uranus changes signs every 7 years and brings with it change, unexpected events, and sometimes complete upheaval. Uranus tosses us outside our comfort zone to experience life "outside the box". The winds of change blow as Uranus moves our life into new and different directions, giving us experiences that we had not planned on or thought would occur in our life by any stretch of the imagination. In our logical, systematic thought process, we walk along our pathway in life, yet at other times particular events create the change of a lifetime. The Planet of Uranus is usually the messenger of such changes.

Because Uranus stays in one sign for SEVEN years, it is often the planet that is considered the testing ground of the "disciples". Often the experiences, during a SEVEN year cycle of Uranus in a particular sign, bring in the same type of challenges over and over again, regardless of what we do, and regardless of the efforts to thrust change. It is as if the events are not connected to our actions at all, but instead are occurring to see how we "respond" to the events. This is especially true in those events that are seemingly unfairly set against us. These type of events are the tell-tale sign of this SEVEN year testing ground for disciples of Truth.

Uranus in a sign for SEVEN years creates positive easy trines, or challenging side winds of squares, or power struggles of unfairness in oppositions and rags to riches (or visa versa) in conjunctions. It is all for the purpose to bring about greater understanding and spiritual evolution, individually and globally.

Uranus moved into Pisces March 10th, 2003

Uranus takes 84 years to move through all signs and comes back around to provides us great opportunities of awakened awareness and upheaval of the status quo. Viewing Uranus through the eyes of history, Uranus was in Pisces during the Roaring 20's and the time of Prohibition, January 1920 to January 1928.

Uranus moved into Pisces and on that day, whether it was good, bad, or ugly, U.S. President Bush decided to invade Iraq. This decision set Uranus into motion for a SEVEN year generation of events that would impact us all, individually and globally. Some were greatly impacted and others only moderately and others minimally.
However, there were decisions made by other people that began to impact our life that seemed to begin the year before, when Uranus turned retrograde and direct for the last time before going out of the previous sign of Aquarius and into the next sign of Pisces. These events within our home, community, state, country and international setting have occurred and impacted our life since 2003.

People with planets in Pisces, Gemini,
Virgo and Sagittarius were greatly impacted as the squares, oppositions and conjunctions began the SEVEN year journey, beginning in 2003 that would change our life. This was expressly so as the point of Uranus moving into Pisces also created a square with the placement of Pluto in Sagittarius, 1995 through 2008.

Doorway signs are those signs that at a challenged angle to Uranus. Typically in astrology, much is written about squares in a negative perspective. However, squares are like stairs, they allow us to make major steps upward. Squares are also needed to make major transitions from one room to another, from one way of life to another lifestyle. The true doorway is square, ultimately giving us the opportunity to make an archway out of the transition, by seeing the higher purpose of the arch through the square.

Uranus changing signs (2003) always brings in new focus and new awareness by the changes that Uranus precipitates. Uranus moved into Pisces in March 2003 and has been in the process of kicking up the dust that has been allowed to occur and go unseen during this Pisces (hidden) timeframe.

Uranus turns direct and sets up transition into Aries.

December 1, 2009, Uranus turns direct at 22 Pisces and will then make a B-line out of Pisces and move into the sign of Aries on May 27, 2010. The changes that begin to occur December 1st will set up the events that turn the cosmic clock to a new focus. As Uranus turns direct, the planet gets closer and closer to moving into the fiery sign of Aries, which will automatically set the square to Pluto already in Capricorn.

The shift of Uranus also creates a shift in the doorway signs, those whose life will dramatically change, will be those who have major planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The fact that Pluto is already in Capricorn and has shifted the focus away from the previous doorway signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) and into the current doorway signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Once Uranus moves into this square position to Pluto on May 27, 2010, there will be another major surge of energy creating significant events and changes for the Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn folks.

Jupiter enters Pisces, joining Uranus

On January 17, 2010, the planet Jupiter enters Pisces. Jupiter usually stays in one sign per year. Jupiter enters Pisces, where Uranus has been since March 2003. Jupiter will begin to unfold the scroll of events that occurred during the time that Uranus has been in Pisces. Jupiter brings the events forward, the choices made, the responses given to circumstances. Pisces provides a cover of delusion and so many of the choices made from 2003 to the present will begin to be brought forth into the light of reality. This begin on January 17th, as the light of reality may collide with the perceptions of delusion.

Jupiter and Uranus blast into Aries together May 27th and June 6th, 2010. Jupiter usually stays in one sign per year, but 2010 is quite an exception. Jupiter blows all the way through Pisces and walks with Uranus through the last few degrees of Pisces and blast into Aries at the same time. This becomes significant because Jupiter will unfold the scroll of events and choices, bringing into the light of reality many decisions made and events caused. Uranus moves into fiery Aries on May 27, 2010 and Jupiter moves into Aries on June 6, 2010, just five months after moving into Pisces. With both Jupiter and Uranus in Aries, major events will disrupt into the open and will set into motion an avalanche of generational happenings that will impact us all.

The most significant impact will again be focused on the doorway signs, and those whose life will be dramatically changed; Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn folks, and those who major planets within those signs. The movement of Jupiter and Uranus in Aries will signal Saturn in the opposite sign of Libra to begin the shot across the bow, and Pluto already in Capricorn becomes the powerhouse of transformation.

Since Uranus takes 84 years to move through all signs and complete an orbit, we can view Uranus through the eyes of history, Uranus was in Pisces during the Roaring 20's and the time of Prohibition, January 1920 to January1928. The movement of Uranus into Aries began a whole new generation of events, during it's time in Aries from January 1928 to May 1935. The delusional time of 1928 began to be revealed as Jupiter was in Pisces was unfolding the scroll of events then too, and Jupiter entered Aries together with Uranus beginning in 1928, bringing forward many of the decisions that were made while Uranus was in Pisces and the results of the decisions began to have an impact moving events into a whole new direction beginning in 1928.

Saturn in opposition to Jupiter and Uranus, all squaring Pluto in Capricorn

Saturn in Libra has brought the light of accountability to the Libra focus, the industries that portend to stand for equality, fairness and justice, which highlights the Judicial Industry. The excuse of immunity that has long given the cloak of justice to those in power will be taken away as Jupiter unfolds the scroll of Pisces and decisions made from 2003 to the present. With the unfolding of this scroll, Jupiter then moves into Aries, asking the question of the Aries qualities. The spectrum of Aries is of true, innovative leadership or of the unmitigated arrogance of self-serving power. With both Jupiter and Uranus moving into Aries (opposite of Saturn in Libra), the accountability issues of equality, fairness and justice come into the spotlight in a very powerful way. The lighting of these events have a "spanish inquision" flare of displaced power used under the cloak of justice, misused within the Judicial Industry and other positions of power.

Saturn in Libra requires accountability, requires equality, fairness and justice. The fact that Jupiter and Uranus move into Aries, opposition to Saturn, calling in the square of Pluto in Capricorn, provides the viewing of many decisions and events that have occurred, some back to 2003 and some back even further. This provides a shift of perspective and a shift of power once the light of reality brings all into view.

2010 becomes the year of major transitions shifting a generation of events

With Uranus turning direct on December 1, 2009 and Jupiter moving into Pisces on January 17, 2010, we will be on the road to the shift of a generation of events. Uranus assesses situations and Jupiter assists in the process to unfold the scroll of situations. Once seen and reviewed, Uranus will touch back into Pisces for a short time, bringing forward the appropriate resolutions and put them into Books of Time, and close out the Pisces issues to put back on the shelf.

Pisces is the end of the zodiac and thus has a sense of completion and ending to "karma" and the like. If there are issues that require adjustments or disclosures before this can happen, Uranus will bring total perspective of the inner and outer workings of situations to facilitate a completion. Jupiter moving through Pisces does this as it blows through Pisces from January 17th, 2010 through June 6, 2010. Once the scroll of events is unfolded, complete with facts and findings, then Jupiter and Uranus move into the new sign of Aries to shift the choices, decisions and events into the Aries focus to be revised. This brings all into view and into a new accountability focus.

In the later part of 2010, both Jupiter and Uranus move back into Pisces to complete the current project of Pisces, auditing the inner world, bringing rewards to those who experienced the seven year challenge as a "disciple of Truth". Jupiter and Uranus move out of Pisces and close the Pisces Books of Time bringing the chosen response of spiritual growth and spiritual connection to the reality of those who walked the path of Truth in the midst of challenges.

It is the shift of Uranus that opens the Books of a new Time activating a new phase of our Life Journey as Uranus moves into Aries.

Written by Karyl Jackson, November 2009
Copyright © 1999 - 2010 AlphaLifeTrends, All rights reserved


Originally Posted by miamistud62

i have heard fom numerous sources that the dinar should trade anywhere from 3.45- even 4.1 on the dollar... i heard that it should go in effect for monday the 18th but i am curious on what detailed info you guys have.

ENNORSTE POST 1/16/10 (Don't know what site it's from)

From DinarVets - ennorste post 1/16/10

What is “Rainbow” and is it relevant to the RV?”

I got a PM from H****** tonight in which he included an email that he had received just today. In it is a strange translation from Arabic in which the term “rainbow” appears. H***** suggested that I do some research and then we might discuss it in chat.

Little did I know that it would prove such a great search!

I’ve decided in this post to bring you all along with me as I show you the methodology I use to unravel strange documents. Hopefully by doing this you will all be encouraged to join me and we will uncover more “nuggets” of truth as this process continues. In any case I’m sure you will find it fun. Consider yourselves all Watsons to me, Sherlock Holmes (LOL).

I will admit that on reading the follow PM from H**** I was dumbfounded at first. I even wrote him back and said something to the affect as this: “Where do I start? Is rainbow a thing or a person. I’m stumped. Help me out here!”

Now H***** will confirm this because, like a dummy, I sent the PM! So I admit we all are starting out as dummies.

Then, 20 minutes and a martini later, I decided to see what I could do with this cryptic email in an attempt to find the truth behind the nuggets it contained.

We start with H*****’s email. It begins with a short statement from him, then the email he received, then a closing challenge from H******. Here is the PM I received:

“Ok...I think I first heard via email that M**** was all bent about the term "rainbow". I got this email today....here you go:

”Rainbow: symbolizing a rainbow connecting Iraq to US-the RV is completed

”Governor of Najaf, confirmed that the bombing of the rainbow of the latest terrorist

”Governor of Najaf, confirmed that the bombing of the rainbow of the latest terrorist goal to cause chaos and make media
15 January, 2010 07:28:00 15 January, 2010 07:28:0

”The governor of Najaf, Adnan al in a statement to the rainbow that the latest terrorist bombing in the city caused by a number of devices manufactured locally and aims to cause confusion and make a media and political.

“On the other hand he Zurfi to tighten security measures, including a comprehensive review of the work of the security services may include changing the leadership of some regions, as well as to prevent vehicles from entering certain areas and to identify special places for parking.

”Hassani assure the rainbow: the decline in the export of Iraqi oil caused by a region

”Between a member of the House of Representatives Hadi al-Hassani of the rainbow, the share of Iraq's oil in the fifties of the last century were narrow with lots of Saudi Arabia and Iran in terms of productivity, but wars that the policy pursued by the dictatorial regime and the policy of regional intervention led to the decline in the share of Iraq's oil should have been to Iraq today to issue a A total of five million barrels a day.

“On the political position of the hidden and declared to Saudi Arabia from the overall process of political transition in the country; Hassani, the deputy pointed out that Riyadh is opposed to any project renaissance wakes up from the rubble of dictatorship and the ravages of war brought down the debt evidenced by the lack of Iraq's support for the result of the tyranny of unjust wars, as they look to their interests in the region look purely sectarian.”

Suggestion: Are you willing to do a quick study on this and make it a topic of discussion in the chat room?

Before we begin with a study of the email itself I would just like to say that I find it interesting that M**** (oh, lord, forgive me for mentioning that name) was “bent” on this rainbow concept for some time. I recall hearing about it at least 2 months ago and maybe more than that. To date, as far as I can tell, he has not uncovered the meaning of the term. I think within a few days he’ll know what it means: he’ll read this post!

Initially, the French government denied all knowledge but it soon became obvious that they were involved. Soon French Prime Minister Fabius appeared on television to tell a shocked world, "Agents of the DGSE (Secret Service) sank this boat. They acted on orders." The French minister of defense resigned.

So, what do we see here? We see the following: the “Rainbow” was a ship that Greenpeace owned to attempt to stop nuclear testing by the French near New Zealand. People protested but eventually the French took out the ship. It was done by the French Secret Service and came to be known as “The Rainbow Warrior”.

So the Rainbow is both a thing, namely a ship, and an event. But what is the nature of that event? Was it a terrorist act? No, it was a covert act of a legitimate government
made to look like a terrorist act.

At this point I knew that I’d come upon something VERY BIG. And at that instant I also knew what “the rainbow” is in Iraq today.

I will tell you clearly what “the rainbow” is: the “Rainbow” is a covert act done in concert between the US government and Iraq and made to look like a terrorist event. In other words, “Operation Rainbow” is a code name for a covert operation.

If you are with me up to this point you know it is time to go back to the email and see if we can “translate” this document into REAL English. Are you ready?

Let’s quote one line at a time and rephrase it and this should become more clear.

Rainbow: symbolizing a rainbow connecting Iraq to US-the RV is completed.

Retranslation: Operation Rainbow is a covert joint operation between the US government and the Iraq, clearly “connecting” them now; it has occurred and the RV is a “done deal”.

Now before you say I’m stretching let’s move to the next line, and on from there:

Governor of Najaf, confirmed that the bombing of the rainbow of the latest terrorist goal to cause chaos and make media.

Retranslation: The Governor of Najaf, (who is in charge of this operation) confirms that “Operation Rainbow” is successful in terms of making it look like a terrorist event, which will allow the appearance of chaos and become a media event.

You see the phrase “of the latest terrorist goal” now can be understand that it isn’t the goal of the terrorists themselves but a covert goal to look terrorist! It is THEIR goal, i.e., the goal of the US/Iraq coalition.

The governor of Najaf, Adnan al in a statement to the rainbow that the latest terrorist bombing in the city caused by a number of devices manufactured locally and aims to cause confusion and make a media and political.

Retranslation: I, Adnan Zurufi, (soldier of the US and Governor of Najaf under your command) send this statement about Operation Rainbow (“to” means “in reference to”) that the latest terrorist bombing in the city was made possible (by us!) through the use of a number of devices which we found manufactured locally (so we remain anonymous). This will cause confusion and increase media and political turmoil.

On the other hand he Zurfi to tighten security measures, including a comprehensive review of the work of the security services may include changing the leadership of some regions, as well as to prevent vehicles from entering certain areas and to identify special places for parking.

Retranslation: As a result I, Adan Zurufi will tighten security measures, including a comprehensive review of the work of the security services. This may include changing the leadership of some regions in Iraq. In addition we may also prevent vehicles from entering certain areas as well as identify special parking zones (for added security).

Hassani assure the rainbow: the decline in the export of Iraqi oil caused by a region.

Retranslation: (My agent) Hassani reports that Operation Rainbow is a success. However we do have a concern in that oil exports in one region are less than projected.

Between a member of the House of Representatives Hadi al-Hassani of the rainbow, the share of Iraq's oil in the fifties of the last century were narrow with lots of Saudi Arabia and Iran in terms of productivity, but wars that the policy pursued by the dictatorial regime and the policy of regional intervention led to the decline in the share of Iraq's oil should have been to Iraq today to issue a A total of five million barrels a day.

Retranslation: (My agent) Hadi al Hassani, member of the House of Representatives, a part of Operation Rainbow, reported to me that the share of Iraq’s oil in the 50s of the last century were lower in comparison to Saudi Arabia and Iran, and that the wars of Saddam Hussein plus his interventionist policies caused Iraq’s oil export share to decline. Had this not happened we should be at 5 million barrels a day.

On the political position of the hidden and declared to Saudi Arabia from the overall process of political transition in the country; Hassani, the deputy pointed out that Riyadh is opposed to any project renaissance wakes up from the rubble of dictatorship and the ravages of war brought down the debt evidenced by the lack of Iraq's support for the result of the tyranny of unjust wars, as they look to their interests in the region look purely sectarian.

Retranslation: As far as keeping Operation Rainbow hidden except to Saudi Arabia in regard to the process of politically transforming Iraq, (my agent) Hassani says that the deputy from Saudi Arabia told him that Riyadh is opposed to anything that might lead to a new dictatorship in Iraq. He reminds us that Saudi Arabia has already reduced the debt of Iraq to them but also that they are happy that Iraq has shown no support for local insurrections. In summary, Saudi Arabia finds it in their interests to deal with this as a sectarian issue (and not religious).

Once we have unraveled this email we now can discuss the implications of it. There are several implications that can be drawn from this. Let me enumerate the most obvious:

(1) Operation Rainbow is a real operation that has been identified, finally.
(2) It involves covert operations done jointly by the US and Iraq in which acts are committed that “appear” to have been done by terrorists.


What just happened this week, folks?

You have witnessed Operation Rainbow in action this week. And what does it tell us? It tells us that the Obama administration, as I said yesterday, is in concert with Maliki to give the “appearance” that they have nothing to do with this operation.

What do they get from this? They get a huge media hype that says that the terrorists are still a serious concern, but also that the wonderful Maliki government efficiently squelched this coup attempt in quick order. Everyone say, “Yeah, Maliki!”

But in addition they also get to remove 500 dissidents from the streets (news release).

And according to our mole they will be able to restrict parking.

And, if necessary some of the leaders of other regions may even be removed (prior to the election).

Did I leave something out? Think!

Rainbow: symbolizing a rainbow connecting Iraq to US-the RV is completed.

Now I’m a firm believer in the concept of “plausible deniability” so I will state, for the record, that I do not know the source of this memo and I suspect that Highgrade doesn’t either.

At the same time, folks, you have to admit this: what we just saw from a simple Google search and some logic sure makes sense.

And, my friends, the conclusion of the email is stated in the first line: The RV is completed.

I can safely tell you that in my opinion this email is not only genuine: it also confirms exactly what I analyzed together with you last night: Obama and Maliki are a team and the passage of the ECC and the 11th hour calls by Obama proved that.

Now we can confidently add that the undercover Operation Rainbow is another key element in this process.

But more than that: Operation Rainbow is a precursor to the RV.

And even more: Its success ensures that “the RV is complete.”

I’d love to chat with you all about my analysis and conclusions.

But, then again, I may be wrong.

BLACKBERRY PHONE: Currency Converter Download Link

Here's a great link for Blackberry users to a free currency converter that can be downloaded to a blackbery to provide constantly update quotes. Once you set it to the dinar to dollar conversion, it will automatically open to that each time. Also, its provided by Oanda, which Okie says is the service that his banker contacts look to.

I have tried it out and its pretty slick.



Link: http://translate.googleusercontent.c...Rb-UfIIbCF7iPA

Baghdad, Omar Abdel-Latif

Launched the Central Bureau of Statistics and Information Technology Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation of the national strategy to alleviate poverty in Iraq, which extends over the next five years from 2010 2014. The Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Rafie al-Issawi in a speech at a conference sponsored by saying the only meeting Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and attended (morning): The government pays interest at the moment the development of the productive sectors as a priority in the development plan, noting that it is a result of that initiative had expanding agricultural production on my way to increase productivity and incomes of rural families as well as the need to reconsider public spending in favor of investment that will generate employment and ensure a decent living for the Iraqi people, he said. He said during the conference which was attended by First Deputy Speaker Sheikh Khalid al-Attiya and the number of members of the House of Representatives and government officials, embassies and local and international organizations that this strategy came in just when the Iraqi people to get rid of poverty, which deprived them of living a healthy and promising and off for decades at a time when the country was full of natural resources should be directed to achieve a comprehensive development to ensure the lives of Iraqis free and dignified existence.

The al-Issawi was pleased to note that this strategy fit together the economic and social policies as reflected
in the broad consultative process among the many parties concerned to implement members, including partners from international organizations and the international community, pointing out that justice and fairness are the approach to be adopted in the investment of national resources in the country urging all citizens and officials to use this document to guide efforts towards lifting Iraqis out of poverty.

Meanwhile, a deputy in the parliament, Abd Mutlaq al-Jubouri during the conference that the legislation of

laws that serve the citizen and the lifting of poverty, control and monitoring of the operations of administrative and financial corruption and political one of the major duties of the House of Representatives. He explained in a special statement (morning) on the sidelines of the conference to highlight the elements of success strategy is to provide security and legislation, oil and gas law and the relationship between center and periphery, and the encouragement of agriculture and the entry of Arab capitals and to monitor how to transfer money out of Iraq, in addition to the protection of citizens and industries and local products and support. Meanwhile, Secretary-General described the Cabinet Keywords mitigation strategy poverty as one of the treatises and inputs that were based on a realistic and pragmatic, practical field surveys for three years, noting that the value of this strategy in the information they contain so as to enable the planned economic, social and political stand on these figures and plans which, considering it a reference and guide for each plans that can be placed in the trends I have outlined strategic and scientific methodology characterized by highly elevated.

The Alak, who heads a subcommittee of the Committee on strategy to alleviate poverty in the special statement (morning) that a committee would be headed by Deputy Prime Minister and membership of a number of ministers to follow up on actions related to the implementation strategy.

For his part, chairman of the Central Bureau of Statistics and Information Technology Ministry of Planning
Dr. Mahdi Keywords in a statement singled out by the (morning) that the strategy of poverty alleviation entered some of its terms into effect through the inclusion in the National Development Plan as well as the inclusion of some activities within the five-year plan anticipated a reduction in poverty to lower levels of recorded at this time in the coming years.

And working poverty alleviation strategy to reduce poverty level from 23 percent to 16 percent to the year

Showed conclusion obtained by the (morning) that the strategy which will extend from 2010 to 2014, prepared by the Committee, whose membership includes a number of members of parliament, deputy ministers, advisers and general managers from the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government will work to reduce the level of poverty to the ratio of During the six key outcomes is to achieve higher income from work and improve the health, disseminate and improve education and achieve better housing environment and provide social protection to achieve effective and less disparity between women and men and this segment includes the poor.

She added that the results had been expected on the basis of the implementation of the strategy implemented over the years is to reduce the incidence of poverty at the national level by 30 percent, a reduction of the number of poor from seven to five million and reducing the illiteracy rate for the poor by half any of the 28 percent to become 14 percent and this is achieved through achieve a higher rate of net primary school enrollment from 74.8 percent currently to become a 98 percent net enrollment and average education of
20.5 to 50 percent and net enrollment in secondary education from 23.4 to 40 percent as well as reducing the number covered by the ration card system to include individuals who are below the poverty line in 2014 and to bridge the gap between the sexes through the achievement of higher rates for the contribution of poor women in economic activity from 12.8 to 19.2 percent, and achieving higher rates of girls to boys in literacy in reading and writing from 84.5 to 92 percent, while the primary school enrollment from 87 to 100 percent, and enrollment middle school from 72 to 86 percent, while the enrollment in secondary education from 68.5 percent to become 85.


Sat Jan 16, 2010 3:43pm GMT

BAGHDAD, Jan 16 (Reuters) - All companies still waiting to sign final contracts for oilfields won in Iraq's second bid round have agreed to proposed amendments and the deals will all be finalised by end-January, the government said on Saturday.

Talks to try and seal two other deals -- an Exxon Mobil (XOM.N)-led bid for West Qurna Phase One and an Eni-led (ENI.MI) bid to develop Zubair -- will take place in the coming two days, government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said.

"By the end of this month the Iraqi government will finalise all the deals from the first and second bid rounds," Dabbagh told Reuters.

The series of deals inked last year have the potential to catapult Iraq into third place from 11th among global oil producers, giving it the billions of dollars it needs to rebuild after years of war and economic decline.

The first tender held in June and the second tender in December could eventually vault Iraq's oil output capacity to 12 million barrels per day from 2.5 million bpd now, rivalling top producers Saudi Arabia and Russia.
The Iraqi Oil Ministry on Sunday will sign the final deal for the giant 12.6-billion-barrel Majnoon oilfield with Royal Dutch Shell (RDSa.L) and Malaysia's Petronas [PETR.UL].

On Monday it will sign a final contract with Petronas and Japan Petroleum Exploration Co (Japex) (1662.T) for the smaller Gharaf oilfield and on Jan. 26, it will sign final deals with Angola's Sonangol for the northern Qayara and Najmah fields.

Still outstanding from the second tender though are final deals for Halfaya, Badrah and West Qurna Phase Two fields.

West Qurna Phase Two, a super giant with reserves of 12.9 billion barrels, went to Russia's Lukoil (LKOH.MM) and Norway's Statoil (STL.OL).

Halfaya, with reserves of 4.1 billion barrels, was won by China National Petroleum Company (CNPC), Total (TOTF.PA) and Petronas. Russia's Gazprom (GAZP.MM), Turkey's TPAO, South Korea's Kogas (036460.KS) and Petronas won the deal for Badrah field.

The government proposed amendments to the text of all the contracts that Dabbagh said did not affect the "essence" of the deals.

"All the remaining companies that won contracts in the second bid round approved the amendments and the Oil Ministry will set a date to sign final contracts with them before the end of this month," Dabbagh said.

Also still in the pipeline are two other deals with the Exxon and Eni consortia for West Qurna Phase One, an 8.6-billion-barrel oilfield, and Zubair, which has 4 billion barrels in reserves.

Dabbagh said Eni executives would hold final talks with the Oil Ministry in Baghdad on Sunday while Exxon and its partners would be in town for final talks on Monday.



Move Your Money: Project Urges People to Transfer Money Out of Nation’s Largest Banks Into Local Community Banks

Economist Robert Johnson, columnist Arianna Huffington and filmmaker Eugene Jarecki, among others, have come up with a new proposal that would allow ordinary people in this country to channel their anger over the Wall Street bailout while also helping invigorate community banking. We speak with Rob Johnson about Move Your Money.



Bar News | 15/01/2010
Death / Orr News

. Spokesman said Iraqi police arrested Amir "Al Qaeda" in the provinces of North and two of his assistants, while a fourth, unidentified gunmen killed a leading role in "The Awakening" Great northern Diyala province, within a week on the advisory opinion of "jihad" against members and leaders of the "awakening" in the city.

The Kirkuk police chief Major General Turhan Abdul-Rahman said that "security force arrested Amir al-Qaeda in the provinces of North and two of his associates during the process carried out by the quality of the center of Kirkuk, according to information from police intelligence Salah ad Din and Kirkuk."

Mr. Abdul-Rahman, who request a reservation for the name of the detainee for security reasons that "the detainee is the first official al-Qaeda in the provinces of Diyala and Salah ad Din and Kirkuk."

A security source said that "the gunmen, believed to organize the" Army Men Naqshbandi "pro-Baath Party leader current Izzat al-Duri, opened fire on the Great Awakening leader Khaled Hardan and injured two civilians were wounded."

. The key figures in "The Awakening of Diyala," died last week at a time survived the Diyala Awakening Council head Sheikh Husam Synod of a failed assassination attempt.

The "Al Qaeda" issued a fatwa permitting militants killed Awakening circulation elements of the organization in Diyala, and some scholars issued fatwas interview invalidate this opinion.

. The security sources, speaking on the arrest of 12 suspects in the Khatoon central Baquba during a raid carried out by Iraqi police forces.



I heard last night that one of the larger dinar dealers in Puerto Rico received a heads up for cashing out dinarholders starting Tuesday.

SFMEDIC CHAT - 1/15/10 @ 10:42pm EST


Iraq: Statistics: Five Year Plan for Poverty Alleviation Entered Into Force