DISCLAIMER: None of the information I share on this site is my own. I simply try to collect the best rumors and information I feel applies to a given day’s news and information that I hear or read about the "New Iraqi Dinar". Those I do speak with, I trust. So, any personal phone calls that I share on the blog, I have reason to believe they are sincere in their intent, and I believe they are in some way connected to those who do know what is going on. As for myself, I am connected to no “source”, just to those who tell me they are. I will never reveal a “contact” of mine, or their “source” for the purpose of giving more grounds or proof of their claims. Just take everything as a rumor and allow it to reveal itself over time. I have no hidden agenda for posting what I deem to be worthy reading. I’m just trying to make this difficult ride easier to follow for my family, friends, acquaintances, and anyone they deem to share this site with. I wish you all the very best! I hope this ride will end soon. It has definitely taken its toll… – Dinar Daddy

Saturday, January 16, 2010



It has been very fun trying to keep up with everything, but what started out as fun information for my friends and family, has turned into something much more. After SFMedic put out his announcement on his site, it seems my little private blog turned into something for everyone to follow, and those following my site went from 25 - 50 of my closest friends, to well over 1,500. It's amazing how quickly hype can grow in this investment. None of the hype came from me to promote my private blog.

I will keep the site as it is, and post an occasional tidbit or two from those I can, and keep the links up. They are a great reference location for all the information you can access for yourselves. Feel free to use them. As for me, this is just too much. I've been getting too many questions from Medic supporters, if not Medic himself about his posts that come from EVERY ONE of the other sites. I also wish to protect my friends over at One Dinar. It's not worth it to me to create an enemy over something so small to me.

I wish you all the very best in this investment. I really do! I was talking to a friend last night, and I shared with him that when I started this blog on Dec 8th, I thought it would only be needed for a couple of weeks. LOL! Here we are approaching the end of January. That stinks if you ask me! ;-/

Anyway, I'm out. I'm not a "guru" trying to vie for internet supremacy. I'm just a guy who wants to make it to the other side of this investment. Time for me to disappear. I'm sorry... I can't keep it going any longer. Too many scary people out there. Too many who feel the need to be heard. I know nothing.

May you each find happiness in your life. May the Lord's richest blessings fall upon you. May you receive the righteous desires of your hearts. May our Heavenly Father touch the hearts of those who lead our world to show mercy and bless the masses with His abundance. I pray for each of your welfare and safety.

Dinar Daddy


sam said...

Damn I hate to see you go freind. I do hope the posts stay they are very informative. Take care

salmon4039 said...

Thank you for this gift you gave all of us. I will miss your analysis and resources.
Take care and God Bless!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing what you did while you did it. The newbies (not sure what the cut-off tenure is) are ruining it for everyone almost everywhere. They feel entitled and do absolutely nothing to further the cause!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for starting this site son. I was wondering how you were finding the time to keep up with everything and follow the other sites. The numbers really did take off this last two weeks. Good job on the site, lots of resourses here! Sure would be nice for this ride to end soon. Makes you wonder what is really going on over there in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you won't be continuing posting new information/chats. I really liked being able to come to one place to hear the latest from several forums. Thank you for all your efforts and time spent. Hopefully this ride will soon be over. In the meantime, I hope you will reconsider and keep adding to the site. I am sure that more people appreciated your blog than not.

Anonymous said...

Your work has been an invaluable encouragement to me. Thank you so very much. Technology has passed me by in operating this computer. It has been so nice to leave my internet connection on your blog and just hit refresh to find out the latest info. You have worked long and hard in keeping us up to date, and I have certainly appreciated it. God bless you. Now rest in the fact that you have really helped us all.

Anonymous said...

I just discovered this site a week ago and LOVE the quick click...see what's the latest...and go back to work. Thank you so much for a week of "non-chat". I will sincerely miss it. Hopefully we'll all hit "the big one" soon and we won't be so hungry for information. God bless you for the patience and time you have given. It has been very appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Amazing site!

Thank you for your time. You have a following and your info has been very educational. You have become an expert, because you are reading all the info from the experts and posting their most important words.

There will be a need for the one stop site for all the info on the dinar , the Vietnam dong, Korean wong, and the other areas that your contacts are interested in.

Thank you for this amazing site.

Anonymous said...

Before reading your Exit Announcement, the Lord showed me the pressure and burden that has been put on you to maintain this most informative site.

Not only do you have Knowledge, but the Wisdom that makes it powerful. Your Obedience proved it. In the Hebrew language, there is no such word "coincidence". I do believe you were used by the Lord for the last hour.

The Lord spoke to my Husband to read Psalm 112 when he inquired about the investments. Amazingly, it says...not to listen to rumors. Your site has done just that. It was clean and straight to the point. However, I do realize, it was you who got the dirty work to present this information, just as Esther.

May the God of Heaven open the floodgates and do what only He can do to bless His people to further His Kingdom in the Authority of His Son, Jesus Christ. He alone deserves All Praise, Honor and Glory.

Thank you for your precious time that was given. May you continue to be used by the Lord and recieve the Spitiual blessings that He has in-store for you.

Anonymous said...

I would not stop dont be afaid you do a good service for alot of people.There are alot of people who don't know how to look up and find info you are great at what you are doing.so i hope you keep up the good work you do.

Anonymous said...

You were the only neutral, reputable site left! I'll just wait to hear it on mainstream news.

Anonymous said...

WOW hate to see you go! I appreciate you going to all the trouble to make this easy for everyone. . . some just do NOT have the time, to sit in forums or on chats. YOU are a blessing!


jh said...


soonihope said...

Sorry to see you go as your site was the most comprehensive of any other sites out there. Unfortunately, some with gigantic egos (you know who you are) couldn't stand others sharing of info. Well, congrats to them as it now sucks for the rest of us. Obviously, it's more about "THEM" than it is the deal and it's also obvious that they have their 15 minutes of fame. Anyway, we hope you re-consider and simply ignore those that are intensely jealous of your site and continue with what we all want and that is..........information!

Shellbell said...

Take care of yourself and family. We are too close to the end for you to have to deal with the drama created by some. I enjoyed your blog and read it every day. It is too bad someone had to mess it up for us. LOL

Anonymous said...

Please reconsider your position. You are legitimate. A rare bird in this flock. If you decide not to continue, please know you are well respected, and I thank you so much for all that you have done.

Anonymous said...

This site has truly been a blessing for all. Others need to quit being so damn selfish and let Dinar Daddy continue to provide informatio to all of us. I am sure there are several Dinar investors that are very nervous about all of this and this site has eased pain for some of us. Please reconsider providing valueable information on this site. As we are all in this together and want what's best for everyone involved. Good luck to all and God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Well said Shellbell. . . Thanks DD you rock!

Anonymous said...

I echo what others have said, I started this ride in October and soon got frustrated with all the information out there, but after coming upon your site in December I have felt alot more comfortable about this investment. and unfourtantley told everyone I know about it. As you are aware you cant make everyone happy but those of us that count on your blog to help us this is a huge let down!! I have wanted to send you a private e-mail for sometime thanking you!! but do not know how to reach you!! I dont understand how these other people did. I'am certian I know the state your from and your personal convictions which made you all the more trustworthy thank you!!!

Dryden01 said...

You had the best site for information and links and posted responsible, helpful insights. Thank you so much for your labors here. Perhaps you could sell the site to someone who could keep it up in the same tradition and be able to buy more dinars?

Anonymous said...

Like shellbell, builder... loves this site, very good information. one stop shopping. God bless

Anonymous said...

Don't buckle under to SFMedic he ia a A** hole and thinks he has the only info in the world worth having. ALSO HE HAS YET TO BE RIGHT ON ANY PRODICTION HE HAS EVER MADE. To the best of my knowledge no copyright infraction has ever held up on internet material that has been forewarded for one party to another.
Keep up the good work for all of us. You are a great source of info.

Anonymous said...

Many thanks as this site has become my personal favorite. Good luck and God Bless