DISCLAIMER: None of the information I share on this site is my own. I simply try to collect the best rumors and information I feel applies to a given day’s news and information that I hear or read about the "New Iraqi Dinar". Those I do speak with, I trust. So, any personal phone calls that I share on the blog, I have reason to believe they are sincere in their intent, and I believe they are in some way connected to those who do know what is going on. As for myself, I am connected to no “source”, just to those who tell me they are. I will never reveal a “contact” of mine, or their “source” for the purpose of giving more grounds or proof of their claims. Just take everything as a rumor and allow it to reveal itself over time. I have no hidden agenda for posting what I deem to be worthy reading. I’m just trying to make this difficult ride easier to follow for my family, friends, acquaintances, and anyone they deem to share this site with. I wish you all the very best! I hope this ride will end soon. It has definitely taken its toll… – Dinar Daddy

Thursday, January 21, 2010

FRANK26 POST - KTF Missions 1/21/10

I am different with my intel ……….because of what happened last Monday and I tried to explain it the four days prior to this past Monday. I kept drilling the point daily that on the 18th they would fulfill the one year requirement of keeping their currency stable without any fluctuation, burp, hiccup whatsoever and they did it! What happens when you graduate from school……….they give you your diploma. Iraq graduated from the school of hard knocks in financing this past Monday……….and IMO………they received their diploma of CH7. That opens a completely different set of events to unfold. Now you may say to yourself Frank………where’s the link to prove that such documents have been signed sealed and lifted? Silly rabbit……….you know better than to ask me that……….just wait a few days and you will see what I am talking about. It is my history. It is what has caused KTFM to be successful in the way we share intel. An exodus of dinar information seekers have come in our direction. I get communications of all forms from some of the most amazing people on this planet. When I told you to pray for John Hillerman, who played Higgins on Magnum PI, last week………..I was very sincere. So I carry a great responsibility on how I share intel because there are so many out there that have gravitated to our forum. They say that silence is golden ……….does not my silence give you a feeling of something golden soon to come? Regardless of how I share my intel with you Family………..I have noticed how you old timers that have been with me from the very beginning are not letting the thousands of newbies in the recent weeks fall to the side. I am made aware of the pm’s that you are exchanging with each other to keep them up to date. When they laugh at me at other forums for my style…….most of you simply smile. Last night I had so much fun with all of you. When I told you I had to leave at 11:30pm I was touched by the response. Truly we had a wonderful time playing with numbers. IMO……..enough time has gone by and I am ready to take you to my blue couch. The following actually happened today. But it was on my blue couch.

Ring ……..ring.

Yes this is Frank……..can I help you?

Frank this is xxxxx ………..I’m outside in my car because I had to swing by 5th/3rd and since I was in your neighborhood I was wondering if I could come in and talk to you for a little bit?

Greetings good friend…………you’re outside? In my parking lot?

Yes I’m really sorry but I was wondering if I could talk to you about what Obama did at noon today.

Yes of course you can come in.

Knock, knock.

Hi …….come on in. Please take your shoes off and sit with me on my couch. I know what you are talking about and I actually saw O today on CNBC. Actually he was on all of the stations at noon today. Why are you so troubled about it?


Whoa…….wait a minute………chill. I did not vote for O but you must learn to respect his office. It is a position that all Americans should respect. But why are you so mad at what he said today on tv?

Frank while the man was up there explaining at his news conference that he was changing policies that banks use ………half of the screen was showing that every stock across the board was plummeting downward. One stock after another was being shown with arrows pointing down. His statement to change how banks are going to have to run their business…….scared Wall Street! It scared me too.

Friend………it scared you because you have stock in the market. But did you listen to what he was telling the banks of the US?

Well…….at first I was…………..but all I kept seeing where the charts on the left side of his head so I stopped listening to him and started counting my portfolio.

Do you like green tea? This is my favorite………..it has little pieces of popcorn in it……….tastes so good. You want some?


I’m going to answer your question ……..but I need you to relax first and take a deep breath. Now take a sip of this and listen to me. You have dinars don’t you?

Well of course I do……..you know I do!

Then you should know better friend. You reacted impulsively to what O said ………..because of what you saw. Now stop and think ……..remember when he said he does not want the banking system to carelessly spend their profits? How he doesn’t want them to recklessly use their investments? He especially doesn’t want them to pay out those ridiculous and selfish bonuses to their executives. He wants them to have a better accountability of their money and big brother is going to watch them a little closer which temporarily caused Wall Street to take notice and react with their buying and selling. Wall Street’s actions to what O said this afternoon are merely reflexive not permanent. Now here is the big key my dear friend that you and so many other financially struggling people missed. IMO……..the banking industry in a matter of weeks will be …………..dealing with many customers that are going to exchange their IQD’s . These banking institutions are going to make a serious amount of money via the spread. Can you imagine if the same freedom that devastated the banking industry last year was allowed to run rampant once they got a hold of these profits? IMO………..O……..is in the right place to know what is about to happen to the IQD and he wants to limit banks from doing something stupid again this time around.

That’s good Frank.

Aaaah………but let me ask you ……….is the tea good?

LOL…………yes it sure is. Can I ask you another question?

Can you refrain from not asking?

LOL………I could but I would rather not.

Then ask dear friend.

You changed your style ever since last Monday. You and I have been friends for many years ………..isn’t there anything you can share with me that you won’t share with others on your forum?

If I had dinar …………….for every time I heard that.

I’m sorry………..I better go.

Not until you are done ………with your second cup as I share with you. Try to understand that there are things right now that are none of our business and we really shouldn’t be talking about it. Isn’t it enough for me to tell you that on the 18th ……….this past Monday ……….Iraq graduated in all qualifications to lift CH7. If it were true ………then I would be silent wouldn’t I? I would encourage you to stay in constant prayer………wouldn’t I?

Well ……….that’s exactly what you did since last Monday.

Do you need to be told more?

You go by faith Frank…….I go by links.

Calm down. Have you not noticed that all I have given you since Monday is nothing but articles? Tell me good friend what else can I tell you?

I want to know what your team is telling you.

Things that if I shared with you……….would only prove how stupid I am. These are very, very sensitive times. I like telling stories……….would you like one that’s almost 48 hrs old?

Heck yes!

Last night a soldier called me that now resides in the states. He told me that his pastor had just called him 5 minutes ago to give him intel. Keep in mind that this pastor was a 1st Sergeant in the Army at one time. My soldier ………upon returning from Iraq……..gave his pastor, last year, $600,000 dinars and told him to hold on to them and pray. This pastor was accompanying another pastor friend of his to have supper at a couple’s home that are part of his congregation. While the two pastors and the couple were having supper a phone call came to the lady of the house from Iraq. It was her cousin. Her cousin ………….is a
Colonel! He knows she has dinars and rarely calls if ever. He told his cousin that he had some special info to share with her and her husband. He gave her a date and a rate. (actually …..I gave you the date in yesterday’s posting within my words I believe in the second to the last paragraph but everyone seemed to have missed it.) Of course she became emotional and the husband inquired about the facts. The husband and the two pastors sit at the dinner table listening to the conversation on the telephone…………with the Colonel. When the call ended………my soldier’s pastor makes it known to everyone else in the room that he possess dinars. Needless to say……….there was great jubilation. The only one that didn’t possess any was the couple’s pastor. I would venture to guess ……….that he has some by now.

WOW!!! That’s a great story.

Yes……….it is isn’t it? But I’m not done. Do you want to hear more of the story?

Yeah……..I mean ……….yes Sir.

Hmmm………..politeness………….I like that. This morning my soldier calls me to update me on this story full of intel. He said that his pastor, who still has military connections………..received 4 phone calls that evening into the early morning hours from Iraq. He still keeps in contact and each one of them felt like a hammer hitting a nail deeper into the wood. Each call repeated what the Colonel had told his cousin.

Thank God……….is there more to this story?

Oh yes………..but that’s suffice.

So what’s the rate and the date?

Go to my postings as I was having fun with the Family last night……….and you will find the area code. Clue : minus 2 pennies.

Man you never give a straight answer do you?

No………because many try to follow me.

Well can you tell me the date?

Funny how people can accept an area code with little repercussion but to give a date………has a tendency to seem sacrilegious at times. When I give an open window of opportunity as intel to be taken to the Lord in prayer……….one or two would rather throw me out that window. But if I tell you that I find great interest from the 29th to the 6th of February would that satisfy you? A week is a week…….is a week.

What in the world does that mean?

You bought your dinars from Ali didn’t you?

Yes most of them why?

Do you know that Ali has a bank in Iraq and all the paperwork for it is done? You will soon be able to deposit your money into any bank you wish when you exchange with him and that includes his new bank. Clue: why is there no open sign in his bank if all the paperwork is done and he can officially open?

I have no idea………why?

IMO………there is no need to turn the overhead on right now. But the nano second that you see the sign flipped over from closed to open at his bank……….IMO………we are inches away from the announcement.

Hey! That’s interesting.

Hey! You want some more tea?

Can I just ask you one more question?

If you do I will never share my tea with you again. Don’t push it. LOL.

Oh……..okay. It was wonderful visiting with you. Thank you Frank.

It was my pleasure ………to fill your cup of tea.

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