DISCLAIMER: None of the information I share on this site is my own. I simply try to collect the best rumors and information I feel applies to a given day’s news and information that I hear or read about the "New Iraqi Dinar". Those I do speak with, I trust. So, any personal phone calls that I share on the blog, I have reason to believe they are sincere in their intent, and I believe they are in some way connected to those who do know what is going on. As for myself, I am connected to no “source”, just to those who tell me they are. I will never reveal a “contact” of mine, or their “source” for the purpose of giving more grounds or proof of their claims. Just take everything as a rumor and allow it to reveal itself over time. I have no hidden agenda for posting what I deem to be worthy reading. I’m just trying to make this difficult ride easier to follow for my family, friends, acquaintances, and anyone they deem to share this site with. I wish you all the very best! I hope this ride will end soon. It has definitely taken its toll… – Dinar Daddy

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Good evening KTFM Family,

Where do I start Family? I wish we were all together in a room where I could see you face to face and answer your questions directly. I have so much to talk about and I really don’t know what subject to begin with. Yesterday upset some of you and I am remorseful that I put that feeling in you. I love our government and our country ………..good or bad. IMO…….you should too. Truly you are not that virginal that never once had you considered ………..what upset you last night. Let’s move past that. I have a surprise for you but before I share it ………let’s cover a few loose ends.

So at 1am the son of ………my bad……..the senators passed the preliminary vote on O’s packages. 60 to 39. Is it me or did someone not show up to vote? Now that this vote is done……….they still need one more vote which I believe is set for this coming Thursday………..I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t arrange it for 1am too. I believe it will be at 8am. So if this gets passed I guess O will be able to spread the wealth. Hmmm…….good for him ……..hopefully good for us and I’m not speaking of his stimulus packages and health care.

I love this one !!! Did you see where M told the GOI that he wanted to have a pow wow with them today because he wanted to talk about……….CH7? Wow……….ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!! Why would M want to even talk about CH7 when they have done NOTHING to release themselves from this? Hold the phone…….in the last 48 hours they have done almost………..EVERYTHING to get out of it. Yes M………this is the perfect time to talk to your homeys.

I know I said I love the paragraph above but this one may rank right up there with it. This one Family……is historical ! I want to tell you how important this is but based on yesterday I am a little cautious. For the first time there will be an Iraqi bank on an American base. Hey Ali……..is this your bank………just kidding. This is very big Family. IMO……..it will not hit you until next year. Look at what General Wentz said about this momentous occasion. “The importance of today cannot be underestimated.” LOL…….you’re telling me Sir.

Our connection with contractors and boots received calls today telling him that the people of Iraq are furious! Family these are the words given to me: besides furious, they are mad as hell and they are tired! How many of you saw what I told the Iraqi’s yesterday? Gandhi ………..King………..Lincoln………Kennedy.

This is the third time that I bring this up………..and the last. For the IMF to consider crediting Iraq for future oil reserves that are in the ground…….is huge. I once posted that after a Chicago Bears football game I walked out of Soldier’s Field across the street to stand in front of Lake Michigan. As I looked from horizon to horizon the blue green water turned solid black because I realized that Iraq , according to NASA photos………sits on a lake of oil as vast as this lake and ……….as deep. It was around that time that I made my decision ………..to buy my dinars. Now they are considering giving them accreditation for this untapped oil…………I’m glad I bought my dinars.

When we voted O as our President it was based on the promises that he was going to keep this year. When Iraqis vote for M’s party it will be based on the promise that was made ……..BEFORE THEY WERE ELECTED. I have given you my opinion on how M should capitalize on the promise that he made. Remember I told you the human memory ……..has a short time span. Here is something else for M to consider……..he will need all the votes that he can get and people in the outskirt perimeters of Baghdad will require many weeks if not months before they realize their currency has gone up in value. If he has the RI before the end of the year citizens will remember what he did for them every time they touch the money. But more important……….a large number of votes will have enough time for them to know what M did in December.

We put up UNSC links yesterday in hopes that you would follow their meetings closely. Intel Family has shifted from banks who are on a holding pattern…………to the heavily concentrated activities at the UN. I was hoping that many more of you would have capitalized on asking BAMABREEZE more questions about the UN meetings. She presented a very long report that took her two days that demonstrated……….her knowledge. Yesterday was a BIG day at the UN for our investment. IMO……..the majority of you slept through it because ………my encryption would have been filed in the wastebasket if you truly understood what BAMABREEZE was trying to tell you. My surprise today is a second attempt ………..for you to understand. It’s coming up soon just keep reading for now. A star is the largest celestial spherical object in the universe. It’s mass is great and when it dies it collapses as an implosion. What once took up so much SPACE and TIME ………is now CONCENTRATED at a point of singularity. This little point can be the size of a quarter and one tablespoon of this mass can weigh millions of pounds. IMO…….this is what has happened since Nov. 2nd when we told you the rate would be softly accepted into the banking system. Then we said on the 12th it would be a hard acceptance and it would float on tickers until the 17th. Surprise…………for those 5 days we saw it float at 149 to 147. Of course……….what better test model than the strongest currency at that time to base it on than………the Euro dollar. The American dollar……..was too weak and gold was climbing. Now we see the opposite at the appropriate time. My point is ………from November to the last 48 hours that have occurred at the UN…………there is a point of singularity with Iraq intel. It’s been over 6 years and in the last few weeks so much has been crammed in to such a short time period. BUT ………the activities of the last 48 hours can cause someone to think ……..that someone is in a hurry.

Last night I spent the entire evening going through all the UNSC resolutions. I refuse to take anyone’s word anymore on what’s happening.

In UNSC Resolution 1723 (2006) there was a unique paragraph that said: "Recognizing: the International Compact with Iraq, an initiative of the Govt. of Iraq
to create a new international partnership with the International Community and build a strong framework for Iraq's continued political, security, and economic
transformation and integration into the regional and global economy, and welcoming the important role the UN is playing in jointly charring the Compact with the
Government of Iraq.

This caught my attention. Haven't I always referred to "The Plan"........ Modeled after the "Marshall Plan". Well I am convinced this document is "The Plan" for Iraq.

I googled it and came up with a 33 page document that outlines exactly what Iraq is trying to accomplish. It started in March 2006 with a Five year plan.


I encourage you to read this very carefully as it describes in detail what steps Iraq will take to return to the international status it enjoyed prior to 1990.

I was amazed at the number of things that it is required to accomplish, then thrilled when I realized the vast majority of things they have already accomplished.

Specifically, according to the plan, actions taken last week to create statistical data dissemination for finance, are critical to "international recognition" of their currency.

I further researched in detail what must happen for a currency to be "internationally recognized". That requires action by the IMF.

After going through all the resolutions of Ch 7, I am convinced there are no longer any "punitive" resolutions binding Iraq. Resolution 1905 instituted today merely protects Iraq while it seeks to renegotiate its debt repayment obligations.

One paragraph says: Recognizing the positive developments in Iraq and the situation now existing in Iraq is significantly different from that which existed at the time of
the adoption of resolution 661 (1990). Recognizing that Iraq institutions are strengthening and further recognizing the importance of Iraq achieving the international
standing equal to that which it held prior to the adoption of resolution 661 (1990).

Now what exactly does 661 prohibit? Member Countries cannot trade with Iraq. Cannot sell them weapons, Cannot make any financial transactions with Iraq, Must seize assets under their control etc. 661 totally cuts Iraq off from anything short of humanitarian aid and medical supplies.

So what "internation standing" does Iraq lack that it had prior to Resolution 661?

I would argue about the only thing left now is "a recognized currency". We have already witnessed re-integration into the world of international trade.

We are witnessing Iraq preparing to buy weapons, planes, ships, cars by the thousands. Again.... the only thing missing is a recognized currency.

We see Maliki talking about eliminating the unemployment... which falls in line with the plan for rebuilding the economy. A recognized currency is critical to that end.

We are witnessing Forex sites all setting up pairings for the IQD, strategic data dissemination programs being established, and banks preparing all for one thing....
a recognized currency.

As you read the Compact with Iraq, ask yourself "Do they appear to be making headway" on each one of the items they have identified as critical to reintegration
into the international community. Keep in mind that it is a "Five Year" plan that we are now a full three and one half years into. So much of the items that are not accomplished would certainly be fast tracked with a recognized currency in line with IMF standards. You can’t wait till the last minute to establish a recognized currency and still meet the five year goal. It would simply be impossible.

There is only one issue that gives me any pause and that is the HCL talked about in this plan. The HCL will be used to redistribute the oil money to the people. It will be
very important in the grand scheme of things regarding assistance to the poor and the elderly. I am not sure if it is necessary for the recognition of their currency, but I imagine we will see it completed pretty quickly.

Bottom line... I cannot tell you it will RI tomorrow, next week or next month. I can tell you that based on what I read... THIS JOURNEY IS COMING TO AN END!

I encourage you to take the time and read this document. I promise you it will be very encouraging. It was to me! This is why I am sharing it with you!

I also came up with this neat little find too.... a strategy by the USAID (US Agency for International Development) for assisting Iraq. It too is a really good read.


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