DISCLAIMER: None of the information I share on this site is my own. I simply try to collect the best rumors and information I feel applies to a given day’s news and information that I hear or read about the "New Iraqi Dinar". Those I do speak with, I trust. So, any personal phone calls that I share on the blog, I have reason to believe they are sincere in their intent, and I believe they are in some way connected to those who do know what is going on. As for myself, I am connected to no “source”, just to those who tell me they are. I will never reveal a “contact” of mine, or their “source” for the purpose of giving more grounds or proof of their claims. Just take everything as a rumor and allow it to reveal itself over time. I have no hidden agenda for posting what I deem to be worthy reading. I’m just trying to make this difficult ride easier to follow for my family, friends, acquaintances, and anyone they deem to share this site with. I wish you all the very best! I hope this ride will end soon. It has definitely taken its toll… – Dinar Daddy

Sunday, January 10, 2010


22:16] Phoenix3333: ok
[22:16] rocky: Phoenix, ****** said we should see the RV possibly in 24 hours
[22:16] Phoenix3333: yes that is it
[22:17] rocky: Whoopeee
[22:17] Phoenix3333: yes rocky
[22:17] Phoenix3333: by Monday morning we should have seen the rate change
[22:18] rocky: Phoenix, I know a lot of people are concerned about a military attack. What are your thoughts?
[22:18] T124: attack by whom
[22:19] rocky: I forgot what they are called T124
[22:19] Phoenix3333: what military attack?
[22:19] rocky: suppose to be 10,000
[22:19] Phoenix3333: where here?
[22:19] Phoenix3333: Iraq?
[22:19] rocky: Iraq
[22:20] rocky: I'll look it up and come back with the name
[22:20] Phoenix3333: oh....no that is no big deal and is disinfo
[22:20] Phoenix3333: you are talking about a Bathist coup
[22:21] Phoenix3333: propaganda
[22:21] Phoenix3333: disinfo
[22:21] Phoenix3333: political smears and fears
[22:21] Phoenix3333: election time slime
[22:21] Phoenix3333:
[22:22] T124: we as a society are being systematically disassembled from within
[22:23] T124: the writing is on the wall
[22:24] Brabus: Phoenix - I have been told that there is a possibility of a new US currency being introduced soon. The 15th was the target date a while back. Can you comment on that?
[22:25] Phoenix3333: we may see that barabus
[22:25] Phoenix3333: next weekend may be wild
[22:25] Brabus: That's what I have heard.
[22:25] T124: are you speaking of the Amero
[22:25] Brabus: no
[22:25] Phoenix3333: we may see the dinar go tomorrow and be exchanged this week and then the rest of the worlds currencies go next weekend
[22:25] rocky: Ok, it was a remark by the British Ambassador that predicted a military coup in Iraq led by Iraqi officers to carry it out
[22:26] Phoenix3333: yes Rock I think that is all disinfo
[22:26] rocky: I think ****** was concerned about it
[22:26] Phoenix3333: yes the rumored big date is Dec 15th
[22:26] rocky: I hope so Phoenix. That
[22:26] Brabus: New US Treasury currency vs. Federal Reserve Currency
[22:26] rocky: that's all we need
[22:26] T124: wouldn't the american troops there prevent that
[22:26] Phoenix3333: but that is just a rumor that has been out there for the last 6 months
[22:27] Phoenix3333: the US troops can only act under the request of the nation of Iraq
[22:28] Brabus: It will be interesting for sure to see all this play out...what does and does not happen.
[22:28] T124: in a coup who would be the authority
[22:28] rocky: Well let's all do a focused intent that this goes through without a hitch. . .
[22:28] Phoenix3333: and if you will all remember the referindum for the SOFA will be voted on by the Iraqi people on the march election date
[22:29] Phoenix3333: so we may see the people of Iraq REJECT the SOFA and that means the US troops ALL have to leave right then!
[22:29] Phoenix3333: No joke
[22:29] Phoenix3333: everyone has forgotten about that I bet
[22:29] Doublebottoms: I forgot it
[22:30] Phoenix3333: The Iraqis did not forget
[22:30] Phoenix3333:
[22:30] Phoenix3333: we may see them vote to reject the SOFA and if we do all the US troops must leave
[22:31] rocky: Somebody told me that there was a .05 increase in the dong. But I also remember it going down .05. Anybody know anything? Sounds like a wash to me.
[22:31] Phoenix3333: but that is no big deal because all combat troops were to be out by sometime this year
[22:31] Phoenix3333: leaving only training staff
[22:31] Phoenix3333: and staff for the embassy
[22:32] Phoenix3333: rocky the dong has not moved yet
[22:32] Brabus: Rocky - I heard that it went down...and then went back up very quickly. It was just a ploy to stop speculation.
[22:32] Brabus: Right...it was not an RV.
[22:32] rocky: That makes sense Brabus
[22:33] Brabus: I think it was moved down on purpose but, market pressure brought it back to where it was very quickly.
[22:33] rocky: Isn't it speculated to go up soon too?
[22:34] rocky: Thanks Phoenix, I just saw your comment . . .
[22:34] Brabus: Which is a very good sign for us. If he dinar goes first I'm going to buy more VND.


sam said...

Monday Again? Maybe but I am not holding my breath. Heard to many Mondays and nothing happens. I think someday sounds better

Dinar-Daddy said...

Now that is funny... well-said sam... :)