DISCLAIMER: None of the information I share on this site is my own. I simply try to collect the best rumors and information I feel applies to a given day’s news and information that I hear or read about the "New Iraqi Dinar". Those I do speak with, I trust. So, any personal phone calls that I share on the blog, I have reason to believe they are sincere in their intent, and I believe they are in some way connected to those who do know what is going on. As for myself, I am connected to no “source”, just to those who tell me they are. I will never reveal a “contact” of mine, or their “source” for the purpose of giving more grounds or proof of their claims. Just take everything as a rumor and allow it to reveal itself over time. I have no hidden agenda for posting what I deem to be worthy reading. I’m just trying to make this difficult ride easier to follow for my family, friends, acquaintances, and anyone they deem to share this site with. I wish you all the very best! I hope this ride will end soon. It has definitely taken its toll… – Dinar Daddy

Saturday, December 19, 2009


December 2, 2009 by admin

If you have invested in the currency of Iraq, have you made any decisions of how you will handle the money once the RV comes?

It is interesting how many lottery winners quickly burn through their money! The old adage is surely true, “if they took away everyone’s money, the same people would end up with it again”. That is because people who have had money, or were born into families that had a lot of money (old money), have been taught how to invest and make their money work for them.

If you are like most Americans, you have barely been instructed on how to balance your check book. In fact, recently I had a young girl tell me that most people don’t do that any more. They just look at their balance online an keep a ball park figure in their head. That method will work if you just want to run through your money like a professional athlete (new money), or someone who just found out that their rich uncle left them a fortune.

Richard Kiyosaki is on a crusade to help folks become wiser about money. That has been my quest as well. If you want to find out more I would suggest you get a copy of his new book, “Conspiracy of the Rich”. In it Kiyosaki uncovers the plan by the monarchs and wealthy families of the world to keep regular folks in the dark when it comes to money.

The cold hard facts are that you are going to HAVE to learn how to invest your own funds if you want to get your money working for you. There are many ways to do that online. We actually have at our fingertips more information that ever before. Yet, most people find money a dry and boring subject. If that is you, get Kiyosaki’s book ASAP! It may give you the fire you need to get motivated to do something about your finances, and keep the Conspiracy out of your pocket.

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