DISCLAIMER: None of the information I share on this site is my own. I simply try to collect the best rumors and information I feel applies to a given day’s news and information that I hear or read about the "New Iraqi Dinar". Those I do speak with, I trust. So, any personal phone calls that I share on the blog, I have reason to believe they are sincere in their intent, and I believe they are in some way connected to those who do know what is going on. As for myself, I am connected to no “source”, just to those who tell me they are. I will never reveal a “contact” of mine, or their “source” for the purpose of giving more grounds or proof of their claims. Just take everything as a rumor and allow it to reveal itself over time. I have no hidden agenda for posting what I deem to be worthy reading. I’m just trying to make this difficult ride easier to follow for my family, friends, acquaintances, and anyone they deem to share this site with. I wish you all the very best! I hope this ride will end soon. It has definitely taken its toll… – Dinar Daddy

Thursday, December 17, 2009

SONNY1 POST - Dinar Vets

[sonny1] My guy from Dubai, who told me yesterday that it was rving between the 17th-21st stills stands behind what he's got, and i have full faith in what hes saying.

[digital11] sonny1, does he say what leads him to believe this?

[sonny1] Islamic new year, oil contracts done, it will end the violence, and he knows people in iraq, who have never said it was going to rv, except when he talked to them on Monday. rate, 1.40ish, they will be doing most of there initial work with countries in the european nation (euro).

[muydinar] Sonny, any info whether it will be pegged and stay or it will float??

8:28 PM [sonny1] now if i didnt believe in this, i never would of said 100% i am not like that, i will look like a fool if hes wrong, so i believe in his guys.

8:29 PM [walktide] sonny1 - the 17th - 21st....many of these days are weekend days....will they pull the trigger on one of those days? If not...that really leaves tomorrow and Sun

[sonny1] muydinar, they wont float, they have the money and power, and don't want people deciding there rate

8:30 PM [IraqofLamb] Sonny do you have any other thoughts?

[sonny1] IraqofLamb i love your name by the way. why would they over pay us, when they are only giving us 30-60 days to cash-in, then they will go up.

[lcbhw48] sonny1 do you believe everything is done they are just waiting for the most opportune time.

[sonny1] lcbhw48 yep

[armondtoth] sonny1, they are only giving us 30 to 60 to cash out?

[sonny1] armondtoth kuwait did. i cant believe they will give us long, they want this crap back a.s.a.p

[Bumper64] sonny1 are you cashing all in or are you going to try and do a 50/50 to see if the rate goes up??

[lcbhw48] sonny1 are you planning on exchanging at a bank or use someone like Ali?

[sonny1] bump if its 1.40-1.50, i think i'm done.

[IraqofLamb] Sonny.. hopefully we don't have deadlines to cash in.. but putting it in a Iraqi private bank. you can hold longer.

[sonny1] lcbhw48, bank

[sonny1] IraqofLamb, but then your millions are in iraq. ugggghhhh

[sonny1] i dont pretend to be like these other guys

[dadslab] sonny1, how confident r you on 30 to 60

[sonny1] dadslab, very

[sonny1] Sunglass i just got on, didnt read anything, what announcement

[Sunglass] can someone post the link for sonny1 on gcc announcement today?

[sonny1] what does it say?

[Sunglass] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/e...-hegemony.html

[sonny1] 34dean i like your opinion, im going to go read it

[sonny1] the gcc wont let iraq in at 1170, and theres no chance in h e l l they will get of chapter 7 at 1170 either, and i have heard out of dubai, that kuwait has been able to invest at the new rate for about a month now, and thats why kuwait stopped complaining.

[skelllley] you know i was told kuwait is actually wanting capt 7 lifted, as of about a month ago

[kevinkrt123] sonny1, so just to reiterate , you feel there is still 100% chance of rv by the 21st of December 2009??

[sonny1] kevinkrt123, yep

[Sunglass] kevin that's why sonny is here tonight, reaffirming his confidence in the intel.

[sonny1] kevinkrt123 i know, ill look like an a s s if i'm wrong, so i hope my Dubai boy is right

[shj121] Sonny, do you know how adam's meeting went today???

[sonny1] shj121, he will call me tomorrow.

[walktide] Sonny1....can the UN prevent an RV?

[sonny1] walktide, oh ya

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