DISCLAIMER: None of the information I share on this site is my own. I simply try to collect the best rumors and information I feel applies to a given day’s news and information that I hear or read about the "New Iraqi Dinar". Those I do speak with, I trust. So, any personal phone calls that I share on the blog, I have reason to believe they are sincere in their intent, and I believe they are in some way connected to those who do know what is going on. As for myself, I am connected to no “source”, just to those who tell me they are. I will never reveal a “contact” of mine, or their “source” for the purpose of giving more grounds or proof of their claims. Just take everything as a rumor and allow it to reveal itself over time. I have no hidden agenda for posting what I deem to be worthy reading. I’m just trying to make this difficult ride easier to follow for my family, friends, acquaintances, and anyone they deem to share this site with. I wish you all the very best! I hope this ride will end soon. It has definitely taken its toll… – Dinar Daddy

Friday, December 11, 2009


Dinar Friends and Colleagues

Several things have caught my attention in the Dinar posts I have been reading over the last week or ten days.

1.Lots of geo-political posturing and deal-making is being hinted at - some with more, some with less feel of validity.
2.A banker has claimed that the only excitement is in the chat rooms - and all the calls to the banks are coming from "chat room people".
3.It seems clear that the few bank people who are talking definitely know about the Iraqi Dinar and its likelihood of RVing.
4.At the internal local bank level, currently all is quiet; few have even hinted at a date or a rate, and many just play dumb.
5.One banker has been quoted as saying that a dinar investment should be viewed as risky, but probable.
6.The various "rates" put forward on the chat lines seem to coalescing in the $3+ range.
7.Most, if not all, local banks do the majority of their currency exchanges through a handful of "Vendor banks".
8.When a major change happens in a rate of exchange the currency "vendors" will (supposedly) know at least a week in advance.
9.One reportedly "senior" banker reports that all is quiet at the Vendor level.
10.Since all is quiet at the vendor level, the RV is at least a week away
My comments on these ten observations are:
•The RV/RI of the Iraqi Dinar will happen.
•It appears to be close.
•Whatever the rate, the benefit will be huge for us and we should already be grateful regardless of the rate.
•The RV/RI is and will be much more a political event than a financial event. On both levels the impact will be huge. One of the effects will may be to hasten the demise of the US dollar. This RV/RI will probably be seen later to have changed the course of history.
•During the lead-up to the actual RV/RI the Vendor banks themselves will be quiet for most of their week grace period.
•Although some of the information on the chat lines is undoubtedly valid, some (if not a lot) of it on the chat lines is probably "disinformation" planted to identify sources of leaked information.
•Whatever appears on the chat lines will have NO influence on the actual process, or the timing of the event.
As I think about this, an interesting thought is occurring to me. Lots of us are aware that the real power in the world is with the bankers, not the politicians. I am wondering if what has really been going on in these last months is a multi-level power struggle. The basic struggle is a desperate battle among politicians to wrest some control away from the bankers, and a desperate determination among the bankers to not give it up, all playing out at multiple levels within nations, among nations, and among institutions like the US Fed, the major international banks, the UN, the IMF, the WB the Paris Club, the GCC etc. This desperate struggle is fueled by the politics and commerce of oil and natural gas in an atmosphere of foreseeable increasing demand foreseeable decreasing supply and a world that is awash in US dollars which are less and less valuable as a world reserve currency or the fossil fuel currency.

If that's the case, the RV/RI will be held up until the most powerful people in the matter of the RV/RI of the Iraqi Dinar are satisfied they've got their best deal. Simply put, this struggle can only keep on going as long as the RV/RI is still pending. Once it has happened, this power struggle is over, and a new one will begin. The real question is, who are the MOST powerful people in relation to the RV/RI of the Iraqi Dinar. And the answer is probably, "nobody really knows, not even the most powerful people since they all have a lot of power and they are all posturing as if they are the most powerful." And in the hearts and minds of all these people are the human limitations of their capacity to process an overload of information and the eternal battle between their own perceptions of good and evil. At some point a key person will say, "let's do it!" and the others will follow, and the RV/RI will happen at all levels within days.

So what can we do? Breath deeply ... but don't hold it! ! ! ... and be patient. Pray for the wisdom of world leaders - all of them, not just the ones you agree with. And more especially, Pray that they will be still and quiet for long enough each day to themselves hear the Wisdom of God.....

May we all be patient and soon blessed with riches that are no longer beyond our imagination, and may we all be still and quiet for long enough each day to ourselves hear the Wisdom of God.

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