DISCLAIMER: None of the information I share on this site is my own. I simply try to collect the best rumors and information I feel applies to a given day’s news and information that I hear or read about the "New Iraqi Dinar". Those I do speak with, I trust. So, any personal phone calls that I share on the blog, I have reason to believe they are sincere in their intent, and I believe they are in some way connected to those who do know what is going on. As for myself, I am connected to no “source”, just to those who tell me they are. I will never reveal a “contact” of mine, or their “source” for the purpose of giving more grounds or proof of their claims. Just take everything as a rumor and allow it to reveal itself over time. I have no hidden agenda for posting what I deem to be worthy reading. I’m just trying to make this difficult ride easier to follow for my family, friends, acquaintances, and anyone they deem to share this site with. I wish you all the very best! I hope this ride will end soon. It has definitely taken its toll… – Dinar Daddy

Monday, December 14, 2009


Good evening KTFM Family,

IMO………my team will know when the RI happens and they will inform us. There is a high probability that it will occur in the early morning hours. Then for the start of the following business day ………..banks should see it on their screens. On that day banks will instantly go into the business of exchanging your dinars. Unfortunately they will have the low end of the spread. If this rate is suffice for you ………….then go ahead and cash out with whatever banks that you have worked a deal out with . Hopefully you will be getting a slightly higher rate because the bank will share some of the spread with you. Hopefully you have removed service charges, bank fees or any other trivial charges that a bank uses to profit from us. They should give up the profit TODAY ……….in order to have a relationship with you for a LIFETIME. On that first day………you will not be receiving KTFM’s email. It will come to you on the second day of The Three. Should you wait for it and not cash out at a local bank? That is solely up to you. Our email will have banks and rates that could possibly be higher………..than what you have worked out with your local bank. So maybe it would serve you well to wait for our email …………or cash out a small amount on the first day to test the waters. No matter what……….TAKE YOUR TIME!!! This theme is something that I have been drilling into you all year and in case you missed it, just one more time…………TAKE YOUR TIME !!! If we are only given 30 days to exchange……….it will not evaporate in 30 seconds………..TAKE YOUR TIME !!! IMO……it is extremely important that we learn from other people’s mistakes or proper procedures. The email will also contain the offices that KTFM is endorsing with Dinar Trades……..Ali. IMO………all of Ali’s offices will have the same rate………but not the same service. Do not ………I repeat ……….do not speak of this tonight. Trust me. So back to the first day………..some of you cashed out everything with your local banks on your own. Some of you are waiting for the next 24 hours for our mass email and to learn from what others have done in the first 24 hours. Have your material in order in this first day……….you should start doing this in advance. The only form that you will need for a wire transfer is a 104. Ali will have them but you can download them on the internet. Google 104 forms to find it. This way you can practice on one to develop a sense of comfort. They also have them at post offices and libraries. Get your little bag together and have all forms of ID ready. Have all your bank account numbers in order and your bank officers phone numbers handy. Not only the banks number but their personal cell number too. If you are cashing someone out by POA……….make sure you have that with you and their account numbers. Even an old electric bill that shows your name and address together would be advisable. Drivers license or passports would be good forms of ID. If you are traveling to a destination to exchange………..make your reservations for a hotel and for the exchange office on this day too. Whether you travel on the first or second day……..consider taking someone with you. It is not good to do the exchange by yourself. If you are there early enough…….go scout the place out. Look at the parking…….look at the doors…….emergency exits of the building. Understand what is in back of you without turning around…………as you walk forward. IMO…….the most important thing in the first 24 hours………is to find a church. If it’s closed……..find the parking lot of the church. This is God’s home………..go visit Him in this time of blessing. I plan to spend a good portion of time in my sanctuary sitting in the seats as I look around in wonder. Wondering………..just exactly how I am going to help this church and many others. Touch the walls……..caress the curtains…….tap the floors………..walk up to the cross. Humble yourself as you find a quiet place……….to give thanks. I did that on Mom’s birthday. I will also do that with my Father in Heaven.

By taking our time Family ……..believe it or not……..we will allow the banks to catch up with our knowledge. Many of you will be in a hurry to cash out and that is to be respected. Personally………I will be very curious to see the rate that Ali will offer us at his offices. Now……..does that mean that you have to wait until the second day of The Three before you know this rate…………..no. There is a very high probability that Ali will tell me the rate of his offices and I will post them in the first 24 hours. Does that mean that you can cash out with him in the first day just the way you may cash out at a local bank where you made a deal? Well it depends if we are talking about a location like Brentwood………..it is supposed to be ready right away. Where as his other offices may take up to 7 days to open………..as he has been telling us. There are too many variables…………too many unknown options to answer the Ali question. This is why when the mass email comes out I will have more to say to you on which of his offices we recommend.

Will the ISX derail the RI since they will be on vacation from Dec 22 to Jan 4th? Absolutely not. The stock exchange is a completely separate entity from the banks. If anything at all ………watch what happens to trading……….when they come back.


This site is showing the IQD to USD at 1 to 1. It does this conversion in either direction. It means nothing as far as the rate IMO. But it means a lot that it’s even up there in the first place. Data does not get inputted for the sake of it. Call them calculations or calibrations …………I just call it good.

Don’t forget Family the next time a bank tells you that the IQD is a scam…………tell them their IQ is low………..LOL. Actually the best line is to ask for their legal department’s phone number so that you can commence suing procedures to the bank……….since they sold them to you in the first place. It’s my favorite line and it seems to work every time.

Family........I'm not sure if this article will be talked about by our admins in the news section right after my post. I'm not going to comment on it because it needs not to be commented on. Just enjoy it.


Yesterday was not the start of ………..The Three Days. I will be honest with you ……….I was certainly hoping that it would have been. Is the blessing coming tomorrow? According to my intel as of 8pm EST……….no. I do not like to give dates ………..but if I may………I have always fancied a Sunday and told you to get your bank officer’s cell phone number for this reason. This coming Sunday is the 20th………I will be 54 years old. I give M permission to make the announcement any time on that date…………or before………LOL.


PS ~ For those of you concerned that you might miss the mass email………please add: ktfmissions@gmail.com to your contact list.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Frank,Frank,Frank............ seems you have
many..............personalities and or avatars.

I am disappointed. I know you may not receive much from KTFM in the way of money, But I am sure, Ali is compensating you nicely.

I hesitated to put you in the pumper category, because of your claimed faith.

Now I have lost Faith..........
......................In YOU Sir.

I loved the bank story with Ali in it. Wow! what an advertisement! and how many times did you bump it? You have certainly mastered your forum. I am just curious what master you are serving?
and why you chose God's children to prey upon?
No better way to spread the word HUH FRANK?

For any who doubt. Follow Frank's patterns and decide for yourself.