[22:36] IRONMAN: couple of questions,.....did the artificial exchange rate really expire..?
[22:36] TRUTH: wow - I could use some of your engineering on some things I am sure
[22:36] Phoenix3333: Hi all
[22:36] Phoenix3333: how is everyone/
[22:36] TRUTH: evening Phoenix
[22:36] warrior44: hey phx
[22:36] Phoenix3333: no news
[22:36] Phoenix3333: no changes
[22:36] leedinar: Hi, Phoenix,
[22:37] Phoenix3333: just in the middle of a GREAT week for IQD investors
[22:37] woodman1: Phoenix we have on change we are one day closer LOL
[22:37] leedinar: very pleased to have your presence this evening
[22:37] Phoenix3333: very pleased to pop in
[22:37] bulldog23: evening Phoenix
[22:37] Phoenix3333: I was just reading
[22:37] Phoenix3333: hey
[22:38] warrior44: phx do you know anything about the possible coup in iraq today?
[22:38] Phoenix3333: interesting times we live in
[22:38] Kahuna: Hi Phx
[22:38] Phoenix3333: so much information
[22:38] Phoenix3333: so much to learn
[22:38] Phoenix3333: hi kahuna
[22:38] Phoenix3333: ok about today....
[22:39] Phoenix3333: here was the set up....it started over 1 week ago and went like this
[22:39] Phoenix3333: you guys read in Lakes blog (East Meets West) about the bathist visiting washington and having meetings with te Obama admin?
[22:40] leedinar: yes
[22:40] Phoenix3333: ok
[22:40] Doublebottoms: yes
[22:40] Phoenix3333: well what appears to have deal was made
[22:41] Phoenix3333: seems that they may have fingered the trouble makers who have been doing all of the attacks in Iraq
[22:41] Phoenix3333: seems that something happened to get these guys fingered
[22:42] Phoenix3333: maybe Joe the Bag Man was at the meetings
[22:42] warrior44: who is that?
[22:42] Phoenix3333: but what happened was 1. We have meetings of the top Bathist from Iraq in DC 2. The next thing we have is the public "set up"
[22:43] leedinar: didn't the article say something about them being un US?
[22:44] Phoenix3333: And the "set up" was to float that coup story
22:44] Doublebottoms: aahhaaa
[22:44] Phoenix3333: so the public in Iraq knew the government suspected something
[22:44] Phoenix3333: Next we see what happened today...this operation that was a great success
[22:45] Phoenix3333: all of these guys arrested
[22:45] warrior44: clearing out the riff raff
[22:45] Phoenix3333: from all over the city...they were not all together
[22:45] Phoenix3333: and then all of the explosives
22:46] leedinar: arrested in DC or Baghdad
[22:46] Phoenix3333: so what happened was we had the Bathist who visited DC drop the dime on their buddies back in Iraq
[22:46] Phoenix3333: now were they payed off to do this?
[22:46] Phoenix3333: No doubt
[22:47] Phoenix3333: BUT the fact is they now have those who have been doing all of the bombings of all of the banks and CBI related ares in jail
[22:47] Phoenix3333: Lee they were arrested today in Iraq
[22:47] buck2220: has left the room
[22:47] Phoenix3333: it was a huge operation
[22:47] leedinar: very good
[22:48] Phoenix3333: yes....very very good
[22:48] Doublebottoms: excellent
[22:48] dinardoug: has left the room
22:48] Phoenix3333: because it would have been these guys who would have attempted to set off bombs the day of the RV announcment so now...they are busted
[22:49] IRONMAN: is this a situation where they wanted to get this handled before revaluation was to happen..???
[22:49] leedinar: and they got the explosives also?
[22:50] Doublebottoms: some weapons cache too, I believe
[22:50] Phoenix3333: so 2 things are important about todays bust ...1 is that they have taken these guys down who would have done the RV day bombings
[22:51] Phoenix3333: and 2 they would never do thios too far out from the RV because they do not want to allow for the time for the next group to step up to fill the gap
[22:51] leedinar: that's as good as any news we have ever got. Less blood shed and closer to peace
[22:51] Doublebottoms: and possibly voting day shenanigans too
[22:51] Phoenix3333: yes and you all know that on Thursday Maliki announces at a celebration the plan to end all poverty in Iraq right?
[22:51] guest1482104: have you seen the small movement of the IQD value to the USD
[22:52] IRONMAN: how long do you think this was planned..???
[22:52] Phoenix3333: what IM?
[22:52] Phoenix3333: the RV?
[22:52] Doublebottoms: like the announcement made last month about no more poverty ?
[22:52] Phoenix3333: let me get the link
22:53] Phoenix3333: 12/1/2010
Ministry of Planning: Launch of the national strategy for poverty alleviation in Iraq Thursday
[22:53] Phoenix3333: The Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation on the holding of the celebrations at the launch of the national strategy to alleviate poverty in Iraq Thursday.
[22:54] Phoenix3333: http:// articles ofintere st-kelle y.blogsp ot.com/2 010/01/m inistry- of-plann ing-laun ch-of-na tional.h tml
[22:54] Doublebottoms: more momentum
[22:54] sandman: This Thursday?
[22:54] leedinar: Thursday's Maliki announcement, ending poverty in Iraq, is new to me. Sounds great !!!!!!!
[22:55] Blueridge: has left the room
[22:55] Phoenix3333: So on Thursday in Iraq they will have a celebration to launch the plan to alleviate poverty
[22:55] Phoenix3333: Sounds good to me.....
[22:55] IRONMAN: no,...Phx,.....i was wondering if the Bathist making their trip to D.C.,...was planned way in advance,....or if this was last minute findings
[22:55] homie: sweet
[22:55] Phoenix3333: Told ya all this was HUGE week!~
[22:55] landinar: (y)
[22:55] warrior44: I'd like for this annoucement to end my poverty...lol
[22:56] Doublebottoms:
22:56] Phoenix3333: but needed
[22:56] Doublebottoms: I'll drink to that !
[22:56] capt-ron: ;P
[22:56] leedinar: warrior, me too
[22:56] armorbearer: has left the room
[22:56] landinar: $)RV$)
[22:57] bulldog23:
[22:57] warrior44: We went and looked at a few houses tonight, hope this comes soon
[22:57] Phoenix3333: I bet those were some of the head guys who were threatened with death and were given safe passage and bribes to finger the remaining people in the operation
[22:58] leedinar: I wonder how many were jailed in Iraq
[22:58] Meebo Message: guest2366967 is now known as 48hotrod
[22:58] 48hotrod: Phx, I read that link today and the last paragraph mentioned that that want the rate to be 1.134 for a period of 3 yrs, Is this will be the correct rate?
[22:58] landinar: man o man this is some great news Phoenix thanks
[22:58] GameBall: old study
22:59] ulyhawk: has left the room
[23:00] ronron: thank your for the info phonix you made my day
[23:01] leedinar: numbers are top secret info, know one can tell us date and rate or they be dead
[23:01] Doublebottoms: has left the room
[23:01] Meebo Message: guest7144351 is now known as CASHINN
[23:01] Phoenix3333: no clue on the rate
[23:01] leedinar: what ronron said
[23:02] Phoenix3333: I was told over a dollar under the pound near the Euro
[23:02] Phoenix3333: but who knows?
[23:02] Phoenix3333: I was told that almost a year ago
[23:03] leedinar: Phoenix, any idea on how many of thoes devils were jailed
[23:04] ronron: (lol)
[23:05] IRONMAN: the 15th has been tossed around as a date that looks good also.
[23:05] Phoenix3333: more than tossed around
[23:06] Phoenix3333: we found that date of the 15th of January 6 months ago
[23:06] Phoenix3333: it came up in a warning about major global economic changes in exchange rates
[23:06] sparrow: has left the room
[23:07] IRONMAN: another reason why "you da man!!!"...
[23:07] Phoenix3333: said that the trigger on that would be pulled the 15th or so
[23:07] leedinar: What is happening with the ending of the program rate?
[23:07] TRUTH: PHOENIX- may I post this chat in the forum - many will want to read this one lol
[23:08] Phoenix3333: heard that expired (the program rate on the 10th and the new exchange rate mech was to begin today the 12th
[23:08] Meebo Message: guest4453137 is now known as sparrow
[23:08] Phoenix3333: as as we all know the CBI and ISX were closed
[23:08] Phoenix3333: many are expecting the RV right now
[23:08] Phoenix3333: no joke
23:08] warrior44: why was they closed
[23:08] ronron: has left the room
[23:08] Phoenix3333: as in right now...this very hour
[23:09] leedinar: that make the window a couple feet larger in each direction, no
[23:09] Phoenix3333: warrior they were closed because of the operation to arrest the insurgents in Baghdad today
[23:09] Phoenix3333: the CBI was closed Warka was closed the ISX was closed
[23:10] warrior44: I thought that might be it
23:10] Phoenix3333: and I hear that right this very moment all of Baghdad is on total security lock down
[23:10] MisBehavin: has left the room
[23:10] Phoenix3333: and that is a good thing
[23:10] leedinar: wow, great info ty Phoenix
[23:10] CASHINN: RFN!
[23:11] warrior44: was the arrest only in Baghdad or throughout Iraq?
[23:11] freddie02: So it sounds like we're going to RV this Month.............All I can say is, "It's about Time"!!!!!!!!
[23:12] leedinar: this very hour, possibly
[23:12] Phoenix3333: more like this week
[23:13] Lr4bama: will this chat be posted in the forum? great stuff here
[23:13] freddie02: Phoenix.........Thank you for putting up with all the questions, and the paranoia that sometimes overtake's "The Dinar Bunch"!!
[23:13] Phoenix3333: we had the expiration of the fixed program rate at midnight the 10th then on the 11th the announcment of a susspected coup
[23:13] ronron: yes... really thank you phoenix.
[23:14] freddie02: Big DINAR BUCKOLA'$.........NOW............RFN...........!!!!!!!!!!
[23:14] Phoenix3333: then today the lock down of Baghdad and the arrest of the insurgents and the finding of explosives
23:14] Phoenix3333: and now we have a report from NBC news that all of Baghdad is in lock down
[23:14] Phoenix3333: Hold....brb
[23:17] freddie02: Old McMalaki had a lock...........eieio
[23:17] warrior44: lol
[23:17] pencer: :O
[23:17] freddie02: And on for this lock he had a key........................eieioo
[23:18] pencer: funny
[23:18] warrior44: keep it coming
[23:18] freddie02: With a lock, lock, here..............and a lock lock ther
[23:18] IRONMAN: Pheonix,....is it my imagination,...or did you say when you logged in this evening that you had NO news,......./????
[23:18] leedinar: lol
[23:18] freddie02: Here a lock............there a lock..........Everywhere a lock, lock
[23:19] pencer: trying to get rid of the rif raff
[23:19] Soonergirlie: lol
[23:19] landinar: :'D
[23:19] freddie02: Old McMaliki had a lock..............eieiooooooooo
[23:19] freddie02:
[23:20] freddie02: (pacman)(m)(pacman)(panda)(pacman):@)(pacman)Riff-raff
[23:21] Phoenix3333: back
[23:21] Doublebottoms: welcome
[23:21] Phoenix3333: IM well...that was a little news i guss
[23:21] Phoenix3333: guess
[23:21] pencer: good stuff Phoenix
[23:22] Soonergirlie:
[23:22] Doublebottoms: worth waiting for, makes me feel taller too
[23:22] bulldog23: thanks for the news Phoenix
[23:22] freddie02: You'll be proud to know we occupied our time constructively in you absense
[23:22] pencer: sing along
[23:22] Phoenix3333: real good stuff and Thursday we have Maliki announcing the start of the end of Poverty
[23:22] CASHINN2: has left the room
[23:23] Phoenix3333: and then on Friday we have the longest solar elcipse in Iraq for the next 1,000 years
[23:23] bulldog23: sounds like some great news
[23:23] Phoenix3333: visible in Iraq
[23:23] Phoenix3333: cool
[23:23] Phoenix3333: so what you guys been up to?
[23:23] freddie02: How long does it last Phoenix?
[23:23] Kahuna: B)
[23:23] Phoenix3333: I am going to get to bet early again tonight
[23:24] Soonergirlie: has left the room
[23:24] Frogger: waiting to hear something like this...Thanks dude
[23:24] pencer: alot of dreaming
[23:24] Phoenix3333: I think totality is like 7 min
[23:24] warrior44: been house hunting
[23:24] Phoenix3333: nice warrior
[23:24] Frogger: On the phone with GT right now
[23:24] dustbunny: Phoenix thank you, lots of news to sleep on!
[23:24] Phoenix3333: I talked to my realtor this am
[23:24] freddie02: We've been adapting nusery rhimes too the Iraqi political scene.........See recent history
[23:24] Phoenix3333: good stuff for sweet dreams DB
[23:25] Phoenix3333: lol
[23:25] dustbunny: you betcha
[23:25] leedinar: you make our day a little brighter with each of your visits, Phoenix
[23:25] freddie02: Ya shor.........you betcha
[23:26] Phoenix3333: well...lets see this thing happen this week
[23:26] warrior44: depends on the rate what our price range will be
[23:26] Phoenix3333: enough lessons...
23:26] bulldog23: amen
[23:26] leedinar: this week
[23:26] pencer: yes
[23:26] Phoenix3333: enough of the test
[23:26] mimar: has left the room
[23:26] pencer: know kidding
[23:26] Phoenix3333: lets take this into the real world and see how she drives
[23:26] pencer: no
23:27] pencer: need some smooth sailing
[23:27] freddie02:
[23:27] Frogger: Yes sir sir
[23:27] Phoenix3333: get behind the wheel of wealth and smell that new wealth smell
[23:27] dustbunny: Gentleman! Start your engines! RRRRRRRVVVVVVV
[23:27] leedinar: Ive been tested so much I'll need a month just thinking about the new life
[23:28] dustbunny: and Ladies too....
[23:28] TRUTH: lol leedinar !! amen to that one
[23:28] freddie02: Ya know why guys are attracted to women in leather clothes?
[23:28] Phoenix3333: we will all look back and see it was all worth every min. of the wait
[23:28] Soready: hello all
[23:28] Phoenix3333: I know why I am....
[23:28] freddie02: Cause they smell like the inside of a new car
[23:28] Phoenix3333:
[23:28] pencer: hi soready
[23:28] Phoenix3333: he soready
[23:28] Phoenix3333: hows Cash?
[23:29] Soready: cash is AMAZING!
[23:29] Phoenix3333: cool
[23:29] Frogger: Thanks For everythinig Phx.. Do I need to take photos of my Dinar now?
[23:29] Phoenix3333: \is he doing his chores yet?
[23:29] Soready: its crazy how you can love someone so much you just met a week ago
[23:29] Phoenix3333: I said the same thing to lakehouse one time
[23:29] Phoenix3333: same thing
[23:29] dustbunny: what's not to love ??/
[23:30] Phoenix3333: Frogger was that a real question?
[23:30] leedinar: he's a part of you Soready, that's natural
[23:30] dustbunny:
[23:30] Soready: mommy needs a makeover, phx does it look like i will be able to aford one?
[23:30] Phoenix3333: You sure will
[23:30] k8gjgb: Phx should we make copies of our dinars
[23:30] Frogger: I They are askig people on DV to do that so their opinion will be respected:S
[23:30] Phoenix3333: and some bling to go with it
[23:31] Phoenix3333: Frogger I have copies of all of mine..but just the serial numbers
[23:31] leedinar: bling with a dimmer switch
23:32] Soready: ok i need to read the history cause i have no idea whats been going on
[23:32] leedinar: good stuff, Soready
[23:32] Soready: wooohooo
[23:32] Phoenix3333: If you put them on a scanner or printer and just spreadthem the right way with just the number showing on each bill
[23:32] Phoenix3333: you can get 20 notes per copy
[23:33] Phoenix3333: now I do not think it is a issue
[23:33] Soready: you would see this mommy run to the bank even with the pain of a c section recovery!!!
[23:33] Phoenix3333: and that started years ago when people were afraid that when the dinar was sent away to be verified they would be claimed fake
[23:33] Soready: maybe even cart wheels too
[23:34] Phoenix3333: so to cover this fear everyone started doing the copies
[23:34] Frogger: Sorry on the phone
[23:34] k8gjgb: so is it then nesessary to cpy
[23:34] Phoenix3333: BUT if you are going to a bank that has the verification machine right there then this is not something you need to worry about
[23:35] Phoenix3333: and as of now it looks like most major banks doing the exchange will have that on site
[23:35] Phoenix3333: no it is not
[23:36] Phoenix3333: I have copies...but that is just me...and was done years ago
[23:36] Frogger: I just don't know why anyone would think taking photos of your Skrilla would ever be considered a smart idea
[23:36] Phoenix3333: today it is not an issue IMHO
[23:36] Phoenix3333: BUT follow your heart'
23:37] Phoenix3333: if you have the time paper ink and will....then go for it
[23:37] Phoenix3333: it is not needed but just an extra precaution
[23:37] leedinar: I saw on news Sat or Sun a program talking about currency revaluations and mentioned the Chines Yuan and to look for a sizeable increase in value and that would greatly affect the devaluation of the USD
[23:37] Frogger: saw that too Lee
[23:38] k8gjgb: I have a certificate that ensures authenticity with the numbers
[23:38] Phoenix3333: what was that on?
[23:38] Phoenix3333: You guys remember?
[23:38] Frogger: Bloomberg
[23:38] leedinar: should have made a note but think it was Fox news
[23:38] Phoenix3333: remember the name of the program?
[23:39] Phoenix3333: lake is looking on Bloomberg now
[23:39] Frogger: Nope, actually it was on the crawl when I saw it on BB
[23:39] leedinar: Wow, wish I had a memory
[23:39] Phoenix3333: ok
[23:39] Frogger: Might not have been a program
[23:39] Phoenix3333: crawl = news below the radar
[23:39] Phoenix3333: lol
[23:39] Frogger: yup
[23:39] warrior44: didn't Obama tell china when he was there that there currency was under valued and was making it hard to deal with them
[23:40] leedinar: no I saw two men sitting talking about a lot of currencies
[23:40] Raiderman 86: has left the room
[23:40] Frogger: cool
[23:40] Frogger: didn't see that
[23:41] Frogger: oops. Did I kill chat
[23:41] Frogger:
[23:41] warrior44: I heard it on Fox news back when the president was their
[23:41] leedinar: and the effect of Yuan on USD. This was also tied to expected food price increases this spring due to the many crop failures
[23:42] Frogger: I know I head that. food prices are going to skyrocket
[23:42] dustbunny: prices of everything are way up already imo
[23:43] leedinar: and the Yuan increase would magnify this ill effect
[23:43] Phoenix3333: yes
[23:44] Phoenix3333: it is going to be an interesting 1st qt
[23:44] Phoenix3333: mainly because we will all strike it rich
[23:44] Phoenix3333:
[23:44] TRUTH: lol
[23:44] Phoenix3333: In the last great Gold Rush
[23:44] Frogger: Right arm!!!
[23:44] IRONMAN: theres dinar in them thar hills
[23:45] leedinar: feeling sorry for thoes who don't have and investment like we do
[23:45] Frogger: Or who laughed at any of us
[23:45] Phoenix3333: grab those bags of gold you have and get ready...
[23:45] Phoenix3333: you have been digging
[23:45] Phoenix3333: and scratching
[23:45] Phoenix3333: and panning in cold water
[23:45] homie: i am ready to go GREEN lol
[23:46] Frogger: So when should we be looking....seriously?
[23:46] Frogger: Friday?
[23:46] Phoenix3333: and all of the nuggets you have collected are all ready
[23:46] Frogger: And all we have learned waiting for this
[23:46] Phoenix3333: and some claim you are but a fool....for what you hold is but "fools golld'
[23:46] Phoenix3333: but guess what?
[23:47] Frogger: what?
[23:47] Phoenix3333: gold assayer is about to open his office
[23:47] Frogger: (m)
[23:47] Phoenix3333: and we will then be able to go in...lay down our "nuggets" and get a true price
[23:48] corvette1: has left the room
23:48] Phoenix3333: and then we will see how the "fools" were....
[23:48] Phoenix3333: who
[23:48] dustbunny:
[23:49] Phoenix3333: Frogger...some are saying today
[23:49] Phoenix3333: as in right now
23:49] Phoenix3333: Frogger...some are saying today
[23:49] Phoenix3333: as in right now
[23:49] Frogger: That is what I thought
[23:49] Phoenix3333: there is a total lock down in Baghdad
[23:49] Frogger: I don't want to be up all night, but it might look that way
[23:49] Phoenix3333: and looks like we may have the CBI the ISX and the banks closed again today
[23:50] IRONMAN: get some sleep.
[23:50] Frogger: Yeah, they would be opening right now huh?
[23:50] Frogger: I'm PST
[23:50] Phoenix3333: and then the next day on Thursday is the celebration on the start of the plan to end all poverty
[23:50] Frogger: I can wait a while
[23:50] Soready: gonzo and i have 3 weeks to find a new house, would be nice to have a higher buget to work with
[23:50] IRONMAN: you need to be refreshed and alert when the time comes
[23:50] k8gjgb: so would the RV come before M's speech scheduled for Thursday or after what is your take on this
[23:50] Frogger: Soready, do you know my brother Trent?
[23:50] Phoenix3333: I am expecting it by this weekend
[23:51] Phoenix3333: maybe today tomorrow friday saturday sunday
[23:51] leedinar: If they are closed for one reason they may as well take advantage of the moment and do two things . . . . . .RV
[23:51] Phoenix3333: I do not care
[23:51] Soready: oh that would be so nice
[23:51] Phoenix3333: BUT...I expect we will be exchanging no later than next TUESDAY
[23:51] Frogger: Soready...Did you see my post above?
[23:51] Phoenix3333: now why Tuesday?
[23:51] Soready: no frogger i didnt
[23:52] Phoenix3333: Monday the 18this Martin Luther King day
[23:52] warrior44: MLK Jr Day
[23:52] Phoenix3333: yes
[23:52] Frogger: Gold Trends, Trent...
[23:52] Frogger: Trent being my brother
23:53] Frogger: guess not.....No biggie
[23:53] Frogger: Go ahead Phx, sorry
[23:53] GameBall: what ime does the auction results post?
[23:53] GameBall: time
[23:54] Soready: frigger what did it say
[23:54] Frogger: If you knew my brother Trent
[23:54] Soready: does he work at lennox financial?
[23:55] IRONMAN: you mentioned the new exchange rate "mech" going into effect today,..Phx. do you know what the "mech" is..???
[23:55] Frogger: I used to
[23:55] Frogger: Monex
[23:55] Soready: so do you know my hubby?
23:55] Frogger: thats where he is now. Yeah I have met him a few times
[23:55] Soready: what a small world!
[23:55] Frogger: I know Van real well too
[23:55] Soready: van simmons! i call him grandpa!
[23:56] Phoenix3333: http:// articles ofintere st-kelle y.blogsp ot.com/2 009/12/w hats-up- with-jan uary-15t h-2010.h tml
[23:56] Frogger: HAHAHAA. I am Trents older brother, but Van does remind me of a Dad
[23:56] Soready: did you work for ditech too?
[23:56] Frogger: nope....I left Lenox a few weeks ago.
[23:56] Soready: didnt it sell
[23:57] Frogger: Just blowing glass and waiting for the RV
[23:57] Soready: so you know luis too?
[23:57] Frogger: Just got off the phone with him
[23:57] pencer: chit chat
[23:57] Soready: nice
[23:57] Frogger: :@)
[23:57] CASHINN: RFN!!!!!
[23:57] pencer: exactly
[23:57] Frogger: Not for you SR
[23:58] winner: now now now
[23:58] landinar: $)RV$)
[23:58] winner: ahora
[23:58] Frogger: I'll say it....Right NOW
[23:58] Benut: has left the room
[23:58] CASHINN: Positive Believing!!!!
[23:58] leedinar: Interesting rumor or interesting facts? very good Jan 15th
[23:58] Phoenix3333: yes
[[23:58] Soready: dave is working right now and i am curious what luis has to say about this so i texted him and told him to call luis when his meeting is over
[23:59] Frogger: Yeah, he prob already called him
[23:59] GameBall: Phx, AUCTION today? yes or no - what are your thoughts?
[00:00] winner: hey all i know is my bday is this month and i want a fantastic bday
[00:00] Soready: happy early bday!
[00:00] CASHINN: All I know is y bday is this coming Sun and I nee an early bday present for us all!!!
[00:00] Soready: mine was the 6th
[00:00] CASHINN: my
[00:00] warrior44: gn all, I hope we all wake up rich tomorrow morning
[00:01] Soready: i spent mine in the hospital
[00:01] winner: gn
[00:01] leedinar: gn, warrior
[00:01] Frogger: I think I am going to go back to the PS3.....Learned all I can handle for tonight.
[00:01] winner: well at least you came home with a great present Soready
[00:01] badger: Happy BD soready
00:01] warrior44: has left the room
[00:01] CASHINN: How is Cash Soready??
[00:01] Soready: best bday present ever
[00:02] Frogger: Night all, let's make it happen!
[00:02] Frogger: has left the room
[00:02] Soready: night frogger
[00:02] winner: AMEN
[00:02] Soready: cash is wonderful
[00:02] Soready: thanks badger
[00:02] winner: Great name too all i have now is lint
[00:02] badger: The single greatest joy in the world is a baby!!!
00:03] IRONMAN: thanks Phx. wonderful info. stuff i dont think alot of us knew about. thank lake for me too.
[00:05] Brabus: Did anyone copy and post the chat?
[00:05] TRUTH: yes
[00:05] Brabus: Thanks
[00:06] TRUTH: not posted yet
[00:06] CASHINN: Wassup TRUTH!
[00:06] GameBall: your sneekie TRUTH!
[00:06] TRUTH: my heat and electric bill
[00:06] CASHINN: My debt ticker is tickin awy still
[00:06] Soready: hey truth
[00:07] TRUTH: evening
[00:07] TRUTH: I am quiet so I can copy
[00:07] blueridge: gn
[00:07] TRUTH: not sure if Phoenix left on his own or got booted
00:08] leedinar: usually he say's gn
[00:08] TRUTH: yes he does
[00:08] leedinar: or later gator or something
[00:10] Soready: truth tell me when you post it
[00:10] jwiden: Hi Truth: Will this chat be posted in the forum?
[00:10] TRUTH: it will not take me too long - was waiting to see if Phx came back in!
[00:11] k8gjgb: maybe the RV came and he had to run (lol)
[00:11] TRUTH: wow!!!!!! thank you
[00:11] TRUTH: 1could be on the phone or fell asleep at the pc lol
[00:12] badger: You've done a lot and I appreciate it, thank you!
[00:12] leedinar: Well, this day has ended on a very good note and a very nice day at that. Just want to say, while we are all still poor, have a good night's sleep and tomarrow with many riches
[00:12] TRUTH: yw badger - nice of you to voice your appreciation
[00:12] leedinar: has left the room
[00:13] TRUTH: gn leedinar - thanks for your participation tonight
[00:13] captwilliam: Yes Truth you are the best, thanks for all the posts
[00:13] TRUTH: thank you very much
[00:14] captwilliam: Your most welcome
00:14] captwilliam: yall take care, happy dinar thoughts
[00:14] captwilliam: 4am comes early here in Phoenix arizona
[00:15] TRUTH: gn rest well
[00:17] Phoenix3333: so thats it all good stuff!
[00:18] TRUTH: we wondered what happened
[00:18] Phoenix3333: I have to get to bed...see everyone in the am
[00:18] k8gjgb: we thought so
[00:18] Phoenix3333: nytol!
[00:18] k8gjgb: gn
[00:18] TRUTH: gn Phoenix and is it okay to post this one - it is great
[00:18] Phoenix3333: