Thursday, January 7, 2010
TZSBWN POST - Dinar Vets
Was just on a phone call tonight and someone brought up a good idea. If you are traveling with your dinar put them in an envelope and address it to yourself and put postage on it. That way if you are in an accident and someone finds it and you are in the hospital, in theory they will mail it since it is a federal offense to open it. Just a thought, might help
if you can answer it. What is your estimate as to our next best window of opportunity? I know that you have always been partial to a Sunday early morning our time......... |
all together now.............. ALL TOGETHER NOW............ Monday.
GHOST POST - Pure 1/7/10
Watch the Forex, could go anytime from now until Tuesday. Friday is a very high chance. There will be no announcement it will just appear on theForex screens. All issues are resolved and agreed. That is all.
Wednesday, 06 Jan 2010 06:26 AM
President Barack Obama is prodding House and Senate Democrats to get him a final health care bill as soon as possible, encouraging them to bypass the usual negotiations between the two chambers in the interest of speed.
Obama delivered the message at an Oval Office meeting Tuesday evening with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his No. 2, Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., joined in by phone.
They agreed that rather than setting up a formal conference committee to resolve differences between health bills passed last year by the House and Senate, the House will work off the Senate's version, amend it and send it back to the Senate for final passage, according to a House leadership aide, speaking on condition of anonymity in order to discuss the private meeting.
Obama himself will take a hands-on role, convening another meeting with congressional leaders at the White House on Wednesday, the aide said.
The aim is to get a final bill to Obama's desk before the State of the Union address sometime in early February.
Facing the need to maintain a tenuous 60-vote coalition in the Senate, House Democrats will probably have to give up on starting a new government insurance plan to compete with the private market, something that's a nonstarter with Senate moderates. In its place they hope for more generous subsidies for lower-income families to buy health insurance.
Obama agreed at Tuesday evening's meeting to help strengthen affordability measures beyond what's in the Senate bill, the aide said.
Pelosi suggested Tuesday that House members wouldn't insist on the government plan as long as the final bill provides "affordability for the middle class, accountability for the insurance companies, ... accessibility by lowering cost at every stage."
"There are other ways to do that, and we look forward to having those discussions," she said.
House Democrats want the Senate to agree to language revoking insurers' antitrust exemption as a way to hold insurance companies accountable in absence of direct government competition, said Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., a member of the House leadership.
The bills passed by the House and Senate both would require nearly all Americans to get coverage and would provide subsidies for many who can't afford the cost, but they differ on hundreds of details. Among them are whom to tax, how many people to cover, how to restrict taxpayer funding for abortion and whether illegal immigrants should be allowed to buy coverage in the new markets with their own money.
Concerns about affordability are paramount. Major subsidies under the bills wouldn't start flowing to consumers until 2013 at the earliest. Even with federal aid, many families still would face substantial costs.
The House bill would provide $602 billion in subsidies from 2013-2019, covering an additional 36 million people.
The Senate bill would start the aid a year later, providing $436 billion in subsidies from 2014-2019, and reducing the number of uninsured by 31 million.
"Affordability is a critical issue," Van Hollen said.
But sweetening the deal for low- and middle-income households could require more taxes to pay for additional subsidies. And the House and Senate are also at odds over whom to tax. The House wants to raise income taxes on individuals making more than $500,000 and couples over $1 million. The Senate would slap a new tax on high-cost insurance plans. Although the Obama administration supports the Senate's insurance tax as a cost-saver, labor unions, which contribute heavily to Democratic candidates, are against it.
The House may end up accepting the insurance tax if it hits fewer people than the Senate's design now calls for. There also could be common ground in a Senate proposal to raise Medicare payroll taxes on individuals making more than $200,000 and married couples over $250,000.
Democrats reacted defensively to criticism that they are taking the final, most crucial stage of the debate behind closed doors, contending they've conducted a transparent process with hundreds of public meetings and legislation posted online. Republicans seized on a newly released letter from the head of the C-SPAN network calling on congressional leaders to open the final talks to the public, and cited Obama's campaign trail pledge to do just that.
Asked about that promise, Pelosi remarked, without elaboration, "There are a number of things he was for on the campaign trail."
President Barack Obama is prodding House and Senate Democrats to get him a final health care bill as soon as possible, encouraging them to bypass the usual negotiations between the two chambers in the interest of speed.
Obama delivered the message at an Oval Office meeting Tuesday evening with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his No. 2, Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., joined in by phone.
They agreed that rather than setting up a formal conference committee to resolve differences between health bills passed last year by the House and Senate, the House will work off the Senate's version, amend it and send it back to the Senate for final passage, according to a House leadership aide, speaking on condition of anonymity in order to discuss the private meeting.
Obama himself will take a hands-on role, convening another meeting with congressional leaders at the White House on Wednesday, the aide said.
The aim is to get a final bill to Obama's desk before the State of the Union address sometime in early February.
Facing the need to maintain a tenuous 60-vote coalition in the Senate, House Democrats will probably have to give up on starting a new government insurance plan to compete with the private market, something that's a nonstarter with Senate moderates. In its place they hope for more generous subsidies for lower-income families to buy health insurance.
Obama agreed at Tuesday evening's meeting to help strengthen affordability measures beyond what's in the Senate bill, the aide said.
Pelosi suggested Tuesday that House members wouldn't insist on the government plan as long as the final bill provides "affordability for the middle class, accountability for the insurance companies, ... accessibility by lowering cost at every stage."
"There are other ways to do that, and we look forward to having those discussions," she said.
House Democrats want the Senate to agree to language revoking insurers' antitrust exemption as a way to hold insurance companies accountable in absence of direct government competition, said Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., a member of the House leadership.
The bills passed by the House and Senate both would require nearly all Americans to get coverage and would provide subsidies for many who can't afford the cost, but they differ on hundreds of details. Among them are whom to tax, how many people to cover, how to restrict taxpayer funding for abortion and whether illegal immigrants should be allowed to buy coverage in the new markets with their own money.
Concerns about affordability are paramount. Major subsidies under the bills wouldn't start flowing to consumers until 2013 at the earliest. Even with federal aid, many families still would face substantial costs.
The House bill would provide $602 billion in subsidies from 2013-2019, covering an additional 36 million people.
The Senate bill would start the aid a year later, providing $436 billion in subsidies from 2014-2019, and reducing the number of uninsured by 31 million.
"Affordability is a critical issue," Van Hollen said.
But sweetening the deal for low- and middle-income households could require more taxes to pay for additional subsidies. And the House and Senate are also at odds over whom to tax. The House wants to raise income taxes on individuals making more than $500,000 and couples over $1 million. The Senate would slap a new tax on high-cost insurance plans. Although the Obama administration supports the Senate's insurance tax as a cost-saver, labor unions, which contribute heavily to Democratic candidates, are against it.
The House may end up accepting the insurance tax if it hits fewer people than the Senate's design now calls for. There also could be common ground in a Senate proposal to raise Medicare payroll taxes on individuals making more than $200,000 and married couples over $250,000.
Democrats reacted defensively to criticism that they are taking the final, most crucial stage of the debate behind closed doors, contending they've conducted a transparent process with hundreds of public meetings and legislation posted online. Republicans seized on a newly released letter from the head of the C-SPAN network calling on congressional leaders to open the final talks to the public, and cited Obama's campaign trail pledge to do just that.
Asked about that promise, Pelosi remarked, without elaboration, "There are a number of things he was for on the campaign trail."
I'm sorry guys, but I had to post this. This is amazing and awful that the Democrats and Obama are trying to parlay their past illegal voter windfall into guaranteed incumbent success in the future. Very scary... IMO! - Dinar Daddy
Democrats have a political death wish. At least that's how it looks. There's no other explanation for their feverish push to take over the health care system when a huge majority of Americans are opposed to the plan. But facing an angry public, Democrats are scheming to find ways to manipulate the electoral process so they can cling to power even when voters want to kick the bums out.
Sen. Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat, and Rep. Barney Frank, Massachusetts Democrat, have plans to ram through legislation that will produce universalvoter registration. No matter what they claim, the rule changes will make it possible for illegal aliens to register to vote and for others to register multiple times.
The proposal is to register everyone on every welfare list, everyone getting unemployment insurance, everyone with a driver's license, everyone who has had run-ins with the legal system, everyone owning any property - basically everyone on every list the government keeps. People will be registered to vote whether or not they want to be registered. If individuals are on any public record, they will be automatically registered.
Obviously a lot of illegal aliens have driver's licenses, and many get other government benefits. Quite a few have rap sheets. People's names and other identification information are frequently recorded differently across these different lists, which means that one could be registered a separate time for every slight variation in how their personal information is kept on file.
The legislation is also expected to give felons the right to vote. Why Democrats insist on letting someone who has raped multiple women vote on social policy is beyond us. According to Democrats, robbers who have preyed on helpless victims - and even murderers - have the judgment to tell us how law enforcement should be run in this country.
In May 2005, Public Opinion Strategies surveyed felons who had their voting rights restored and nonfelons who voted in Washington state. Even after accounting for the voters' race, gender, education level, religious habits, employment, age and county of residence, the book Freedomnomics found that "felons were 36 percent more likely than nonfelons with the same characteristics to have voted for [John] Kerry [a Democrat] over [George W.] Bush [a Republican] and 37 percent more likely to be registered Democratic."
For years, Democrats have fought against requiring photo IDs at polling places. The practice, which is simply a way to make sure voters are who they say they are, is used in about 100 other countries. Mexico, for example, has cracked down onvoter fraud and is strict about requiring photo identification to vote. If Democrats have their way, it will be easier for Mexicans to vote in America than in their own country.
It speaks volumes about Democratic unpopularity that they have to look to criminals and illegal aliens to try to shore up their voting base.
Democrats have a political death wish. At least that's how it looks. There's no other explanation for their feverish push to take over the health care system when a huge majority of Americans are opposed to the plan. But facing an angry public, Democrats are scheming to find ways to manipulate the electoral process so they can cling to power even when voters want to kick the bums out.
Sen. Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat, and Rep. Barney Frank, Massachusetts Democrat, have plans to ram through legislation that will produce universalvoter registration. No matter what they claim, the rule changes will make it possible for illegal aliens to register to vote and for others to register multiple times.
The proposal is to register everyone on every welfare list, everyone getting unemployment insurance, everyone with a driver's license, everyone who has had run-ins with the legal system, everyone owning any property - basically everyone on every list the government keeps. People will be registered to vote whether or not they want to be registered. If individuals are on any public record, they will be automatically registered.
Obviously a lot of illegal aliens have driver's licenses, and many get other government benefits. Quite a few have rap sheets. People's names and other identification information are frequently recorded differently across these different lists, which means that one could be registered a separate time for every slight variation in how their personal information is kept on file.
The legislation is also expected to give felons the right to vote. Why Democrats insist on letting someone who has raped multiple women vote on social policy is beyond us. According to Democrats, robbers who have preyed on helpless victims - and even murderers - have the judgment to tell us how law enforcement should be run in this country.
In May 2005, Public Opinion Strategies surveyed felons who had their voting rights restored and nonfelons who voted in Washington state. Even after accounting for the voters' race, gender, education level, religious habits, employment, age and county of residence, the book Freedomnomics found that "felons were 36 percent more likely than nonfelons with the same characteristics to have voted for [John] Kerry [a Democrat] over [George W.] Bush [a Republican] and 37 percent more likely to be registered Democratic."
For years, Democrats have fought against requiring photo IDs at polling places. The practice, which is simply a way to make sure voters are who they say they are, is used in about 100 other countries. Mexico, for example, has cracked down onvoter fraud and is strict about requiring photo identification to vote. If Democrats have their way, it will be easier for Mexicans to vote in America than in their own country.
It speaks volumes about Democratic unpopularity that they have to look to criminals and illegal aliens to try to shore up their voting base.
ADAM MONTANA POST (Dinar Vets - Talking about his new eBook about the RV of the Iraqi Dinar)
About that Dinar for Dummies book… It’s almost done.
The problem is, I spent way too much time on it. When it was a small file of about three pages, I planned on just sending it to my newsletter group and being done with it.
A couple of FAQs and back to my life of blogging and investing and my saltwater fish tank.
Then I posted a blog asking for questions, and received well over 50 questions that I didn’t already have answered…
So I started answering them in the eBook.
Now I’m almost a month into it, and it’s going to take me at least another week of 12 hour days to get it done. I can’t just let it sit, because too many people have questions that need to be answered and it will drive me crazy sitting there unfinished!
I also can’t justify slapping it together and tossing it out there without caring for the quality, because that will only cause more confusion and lead to more questions and I’ll have done you a great disservice by giving it to you in the first place…
So I’ve decided to put my heart and soul into it until it is finished. I’m going to pack 5 years of research, rumor busting, and intel gathering knowledge into it.
And then I’m going to sell it.
This kind of information would take anyone at least a month of non-stop studying to find, and even then there’s no guarantee that you won’t be led astray by some rumor mongering dinar dealer. The real value comes from the fact that I have nothing to gain by misleading you – I don’t sell Dinar, and I’m not going to promote a dealer for a kickback! If you choose to buy or not buy – that will be based on your newly found knowledge thanks to my hard work. When you read what I have to say and make your decision – you’ll be able to sleep at night with confidence that you’re making a well informed decision, whether you buy, sell, or just walk away.
A month of studying with a professor for a college course is worth more than a thousand dollars, but I’m not going to put that kind of a price on it. I’ve seen other informational packets like this go for well over $89, $99, I even paid $249 for one and it was worth every penny.
Don’t worry, though – I won’t be charging that much for it. Just enough to make sure it’s a quality piece of work and not some triple spaced huge font pile of junk!
I’m on page 48 and I haven’t even put my Chapter 7 analysis in… this is a very exciting time for me, and I hope you are all excited as well!
The reason I’m telling you this is because my Dinar bloggings are going to be a bit sparse this week. Writing this book has become an all encompassing project that is sucking up every bit of my free time.
Don’t worry about me, though – it’s coming along great, and I’ll see you soon!
The problem is, I spent way too much time on it. When it was a small file of about three pages, I planned on just sending it to my newsletter group and being done with it.
A couple of FAQs and back to my life of blogging and investing and my saltwater fish tank.
Then I posted a blog asking for questions, and received well over 50 questions that I didn’t already have answered…
So I started answering them in the eBook.
Now I’m almost a month into it, and it’s going to take me at least another week of 12 hour days to get it done. I can’t just let it sit, because too many people have questions that need to be answered and it will drive me crazy sitting there unfinished!
I also can’t justify slapping it together and tossing it out there without caring for the quality, because that will only cause more confusion and lead to more questions and I’ll have done you a great disservice by giving it to you in the first place…
So I’ve decided to put my heart and soul into it until it is finished. I’m going to pack 5 years of research, rumor busting, and intel gathering knowledge into it.
And then I’m going to sell it.
This kind of information would take anyone at least a month of non-stop studying to find, and even then there’s no guarantee that you won’t be led astray by some rumor mongering dinar dealer. The real value comes from the fact that I have nothing to gain by misleading you – I don’t sell Dinar, and I’m not going to promote a dealer for a kickback! If you choose to buy or not buy – that will be based on your newly found knowledge thanks to my hard work. When you read what I have to say and make your decision – you’ll be able to sleep at night with confidence that you’re making a well informed decision, whether you buy, sell, or just walk away.
A month of studying with a professor for a college course is worth more than a thousand dollars, but I’m not going to put that kind of a price on it. I’ve seen other informational packets like this go for well over $89, $99, I even paid $249 for one and it was worth every penny.
Don’t worry, though – I won’t be charging that much for it. Just enough to make sure it’s a quality piece of work and not some triple spaced huge font pile of junk!
I’m on page 48 and I haven’t even put my Chapter 7 analysis in… this is a very exciting time for me, and I hope you are all excited as well!
The reason I’m telling you this is because my Dinar bloggings are going to be a bit sparse this week. Writing this book has become an all encompassing project that is sucking up every bit of my free time.
Don’t worry about me, though – it’s coming along great, and I’ll see you soon!
EDDIEX POST - Dinar Vets (First Post)
Anything in red is not 100% confirmed.
I kind of rushed this posting so there may be grammar issues or things left out. Just wanted to get it out.
People have been asking me why I've said January 7th and doubted January 4th.
Well the short answer would be educated guess and information.
I'm not saying there are any "sources" or anything. It's based on real time info and research. But I do think it will happen within the next week.
Follow the breadcrumbs. Yes like Hansel and Gretel. It will bring you to the same conclusion or close.
Like reading the Iraqi news. For some reason people think this is going to be all over the US news when it won't. People keep looking for updates. Look at the news section of this site, where are most of the articles from. Iraq.
Election law has a provision supposedly where it can't revalue within 45 days of the election. I have not been able to get that info for sure.
Oil contracts got the green light, you would think there is a rate for the companies to even consider it.
US politicians are in Iraq. And probably not just for Army Day though the US troops are there.
The ISX. When I got that email in December I thought something was up. But not sure what. Then they were supposed to open on the 4th and I was saying to myself "it's not happening". It didn't. I said I bet it stays closed through Wednesday and so far so good. It opened Tuesday but was cancelled. This is not computer problems.
Budget not being done. They were about $20B+ overbudget last year and I didn't think they'd allow it to happen again. Unlike the US, other countries actually go in order. The US will drop a bomb and see if any of the leftover pieces add up but Iraq is playing this as it comes and before it happens.
In the US a budget would have been passed and then work out details. Won't happen again like that for Iraq. They want to be a major player and will be in a few years.
This was a back up fact. The article I posted yesterday about not setting the budget may trigger it. No one is going to leave a date out there like that. People were claiming it was in papers last week with dates and rates, not going to happen. This cue lead me to believe it wasn't happening on the 12th.
Rate. You have the 10 cent rate people which *I* think is utterly ridiculous. Right now the dinar is mostly speculators. But at 10 cents you'd introduce investors, Wall St cats, etc. The country would go into hyperinflation.
People seem to think $1 is high but Iraq is not Cambodia, they have more resources than almost every other country and a lot of it is untapped.
Iraq wants to stand on it's own and that means they need a real rate. They were trying to reinstate their currency when this started way back when.
My guess is close to $2, maybe even more. Why?
The GCC.
The Gulfo is coming. January 23rd the 4 current GCC countries will be together, may take years for the actual paper and all that but they are supposed to be unified and the rumored rate is $2.66. With pride being a big thing in the Middle East, you can bet Iraq will try to be close to that or over it. Will they join the GCC? Not without a recognized currency.
Iraq has the resources to be even higher but they don't have the straws in the ground sucking up oil, sulfur and the other resources.
There are a ton of dinars out there but countries own most of them. Some countries have agreements for oil instead of flooding the market with dinars.
Most bank transactions are electronic. So it's not like Iraq has to have $x in the bank for this either.
Check Ali's site, rates aren't locked in anymore.
It wasn't based on any "intel" except the one in my laptop.
Remember education and information is key. People claim to know rates and dates and have friends in high places but don't even know today is Army Day or the date of the elections or historical date or blame the US president claiming he's holding the revalue for ransom.
Think about who you listen to and what they have to offer. Some people just want to grandstand and look like big shots. Some do actually mean well. Just look at what they say and do your research.
I kind of rushed this posting so there may be grammar issues or things left out. Just wanted to get it out.
People have been asking me why I've said January 7th and doubted January 4th.
Well the short answer would be educated guess and information.
I'm not saying there are any "sources" or anything. It's based on real time info and research. But I do think it will happen within the next week.
Follow the breadcrumbs. Yes like Hansel and Gretel. It will bring you to the same conclusion or close.
Like reading the Iraqi news. For some reason people think this is going to be all over the US news when it won't. People keep looking for updates. Look at the news section of this site, where are most of the articles from. Iraq.
Election law has a provision supposedly where it can't revalue within 45 days of the election. I have not been able to get that info for sure.
Oil contracts got the green light, you would think there is a rate for the companies to even consider it.
US politicians are in Iraq. And probably not just for Army Day though the US troops are there.
The ISX. When I got that email in December I thought something was up. But not sure what. Then they were supposed to open on the 4th and I was saying to myself "it's not happening". It didn't. I said I bet it stays closed through Wednesday and so far so good. It opened Tuesday but was cancelled. This is not computer problems.
Budget not being done. They were about $20B+ overbudget last year and I didn't think they'd allow it to happen again. Unlike the US, other countries actually go in order. The US will drop a bomb and see if any of the leftover pieces add up but Iraq is playing this as it comes and before it happens.
In the US a budget would have been passed and then work out details. Won't happen again like that for Iraq. They want to be a major player and will be in a few years.
This was a back up fact. The article I posted yesterday about not setting the budget may trigger it. No one is going to leave a date out there like that. People were claiming it was in papers last week with dates and rates, not going to happen. This cue lead me to believe it wasn't happening on the 12th.
Rate. You have the 10 cent rate people which *I* think is utterly ridiculous. Right now the dinar is mostly speculators. But at 10 cents you'd introduce investors, Wall St cats, etc. The country would go into hyperinflation.
People seem to think $1 is high but Iraq is not Cambodia, they have more resources than almost every other country and a lot of it is untapped.
Iraq wants to stand on it's own and that means they need a real rate. They were trying to reinstate their currency when this started way back when.
My guess is close to $2, maybe even more. Why?
The GCC.
The Gulfo is coming. January 23rd the 4 current GCC countries will be together, may take years for the actual paper and all that but they are supposed to be unified and the rumored rate is $2.66. With pride being a big thing in the Middle East, you can bet Iraq will try to be close to that or over it. Will they join the GCC? Not without a recognized currency.
Iraq has the resources to be even higher but they don't have the straws in the ground sucking up oil, sulfur and the other resources.
There are a ton of dinars out there but countries own most of them. Some countries have agreements for oil instead of flooding the market with dinars.
Most bank transactions are electronic. So it's not like Iraq has to have $x in the bank for this either.
Check Ali's site, rates aren't locked in anymore.
It wasn't based on any "intel" except the one in my laptop.
Remember education and information is key. People claim to know rates and dates and have friends in high places but don't even know today is Army Day or the date of the elections or historical date or blame the US president claiming he's holding the revalue for ransom.
Think about who you listen to and what they have to offer. Some people just want to grandstand and look like big shots. Some do actually mean well. Just look at what they say and do your research.
EDDIEX POST - Dinar Vets
Seems I needed to clear some things up. And I left out some other info.
It was not complete, I did rush that other post because people kept asking me why I thought January 7th or close to it.
The reason I said coming week is this.
January 7th was a good date for my previous reasons plus it also gives the weekend for Iraq to prepare for their people since Thursday ends their week.
January 9/10th is a good date since it begins the week in Iraq and they can ride the wave and adjust if needed. Plus it gives the US banks a full week of adjustments, etc too.
January 13th is the UN change date which goes into effect the 15th
January 12th and 15th were floated in articles out of Iraq which also lead me to believe it isn't happening then because it would be stupid to announed it more than a week out. You'd have everyone buying more. But I also have believed a lot of false info came from Iraq so maybe they would do something like that just to sell more.
If that election law thing is true about not doing it 45 days before the election then that gives us January 20th or so as a drop dead date
People have to remember this is an investment. And not a very logical one when you consider how things work outside the US.
Do NOT quit your job
Do NOT mortgage your house
Do NOT get a loan to buy more.
Any the investment golden rule. Do not buy more than you can afford. Do not spend car payments, lunch money for your kids or anything like that.
I've been in this for just about 6 years and seen and heard a lot. But the past 2-3 months has seen a lot more movement than ever before. Is it a feeling? Maybe. But I don't think I'm far off.
No deaths for the military in December, that we know of anyway. Shows that security is getting better.
The signs point to it, but someone pulling the trigger has to happen. And there may be something holding it up. It may be timing.
Was going to say something on "intel" and not the chips in the computer but that's another post.
But don't sit up until 2am because someone posts "intel", banks aren't even open here in the US at 2am. Rest, the money will still be there for you at 9am.
This is a life changing event and you have to treat it as that.
It was not complete, I did rush that other post because people kept asking me why I thought January 7th or close to it.
The reason I said coming week is this.
January 7th was a good date for my previous reasons plus it also gives the weekend for Iraq to prepare for their people since Thursday ends their week.
January 9/10th is a good date since it begins the week in Iraq and they can ride the wave and adjust if needed. Plus it gives the US banks a full week of adjustments, etc too.
January 13th is the UN change date which goes into effect the 15th
January 12th and 15th were floated in articles out of Iraq which also lead me to believe it isn't happening then because it would be stupid to announed it more than a week out. You'd have everyone buying more. But I also have believed a lot of false info came from Iraq so maybe they would do something like that just to sell more.
If that election law thing is true about not doing it 45 days before the election then that gives us January 20th or so as a drop dead date
People have to remember this is an investment. And not a very logical one when you consider how things work outside the US.
Do NOT quit your job
Do NOT mortgage your house
Do NOT get a loan to buy more.
Any the investment golden rule. Do not buy more than you can afford. Do not spend car payments, lunch money for your kids or anything like that.
I've been in this for just about 6 years and seen and heard a lot. But the past 2-3 months has seen a lot more movement than ever before. Is it a feeling? Maybe. But I don't think I'm far off.
No deaths for the military in December, that we know of anyway. Shows that security is getting better.
The signs point to it, but someone pulling the trigger has to happen. And there may be something holding it up. It may be timing.
Was going to say something on "intel" and not the chips in the computer but that's another post.
But don't sit up until 2am because someone posts "intel", banks aren't even open here in the US at 2am. Rest, the money will still be there for you at 9am.
This is a life changing event and you have to treat it as that.
SONNY1 CHAT - Dinar Vets
10:01 AM [sonny1] i have been told by my Dubai buddy (and yes he has been wrong before, but he has been right too)
10:02 AM [sonny1] that this whole mess should be wrapped up, and he should be cashing in, in dubai by the middle of next week at the latest
10:02 AM [sonny1] which means us too
10:02 AM [sonny1] he now feels that the rate could be as high as 2.00
10:03 AM [sonny1] as they need it to be with all the construction they will be doing in the first 2 quarters of this year, he said they could support 3.00 but will never come out that high
10:04 AM [sonny1] he has been told that the announcement could be made as soon as this weekend
10:04 AM [sonny1] thats all i got, lets hope he is right. out
10:02 AM [sonny1] that this whole mess should be wrapped up, and he should be cashing in, in dubai by the middle of next week at the latest
10:02 AM [sonny1] which means us too
10:02 AM [sonny1] he now feels that the rate could be as high as 2.00
10:03 AM [sonny1] as they need it to be with all the construction they will be doing in the first 2 quarters of this year, he said they could support 3.00 but will never come out that high
10:04 AM [sonny1] he has been told that the announcement could be made as soon as this weekend
10:04 AM [sonny1] thats all i got, lets hope he is right. out
"The first big headlines of the year on financial regulatory reforms will likely come on January 13, a key date on both sides of the Atlantic"
January 15th - Interesting Rumor? or Interesting Fact?
The the Coalition Provisional Authority issued a new Iraqi dinar between October 15th (2003) through and ending on January 15th (2004) and to celebrate this historic end date of the Iraqi Dinar transitional period, the Iraqi Dinar will now be open to all the world currencies markets on this date.The rate has not been set and will not be known until the currency markets open up on Friday the 15 January 2010.
The President will allow them to make as much as they can for the Christmas Holidays then Jan 15 there will be a Bank Holiday and their new currency will be issued with a devaluation of 6 to 10 to 1. Monday, January 18, 2010 Martin Luther King Jr. Day - U.S. Bank Holiday
Bank Holiday Coming? Prepare? Within 180 Days (January 2010)
But devalue against what? The euro? Doubtful. Gold? Maybe. Or vs. the IMF basket of currencies (which seems more likely)—& much in the news recently. Any kind of bank holiday will push the US$ lower, which may be a bonus benefit to their ongoing scenario of letting the $ fall. Such a fall would get the devaluation they want without having to declare it. In sum, the insiders want more bank
& system control, fewer banks & a lower US$. A bank holiday would suit all their needs.
"The first big headlines of the year on financial regulatory reforms will likely come on January 13, a key date on both sides of the Atlantic"
January 15th - Interesting Rumor? or Interesting Fact?
The the Coalition Provisional Authority issued a new Iraqi dinar between October 15th (2003) through and ending on January 15th (2004) and to celebrate this historic end date of the Iraqi Dinar transitional period, the Iraqi Dinar will now be open to all the world currencies markets on this date.The rate has not been set and will not be known until the currency markets open up on Friday the 15 January 2010.
The President will allow them to make as much as they can for the Christmas Holidays then Jan 15 there will be a Bank Holiday and their new currency will be issued with a devaluation of 6 to 10 to 1. Monday, January 18, 2010 Martin Luther King Jr. Day - U.S. Bank Holiday
Bank Holiday Coming? Prepare? Within 180 Days (January 2010)
But devalue against what? The euro? Doubtful. Gold? Maybe. Or vs. the IMF basket of currencies (which seems more likely)—& much in the news recently. Any kind of bank holiday will push the US$ lower, which may be a bonus benefit to their ongoing scenario of letting the $ fall. Such a fall would get the devaluation they want without having to declare it. In sum, the insiders want more bank
On: Thursday 07-01-2010 03:15 evening
Rep. Mason Damluji I think the problem in the budget lies in the lack of a quorum and perhaps because of the holidays and vacations.
She Damluji told ((et al)) I think next week will see greater demand, and I think we are all keen to complete the functions of the House of Representatives and the problem is that the budget lacks a lot and depend on the increased underemployment and nothing to promote a realistic brick building infrastructure of the Iraqi economy and Agriculture of Iraq and so on
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