[11:00] jgable01: Phoenix did you see the CBI is closed today for an accounting holiday?
[11:00] Phoenix3333: yes i did
[11:01] Phoenix3333: yes we have all things lining up
11:04] Brabus: Hi Phoenix - Is there any other reason that you can think of that they would have an "Accounting Holiday" after being closed over New Years other than to be setting up for the RV?
[11:05] Phoenix3333: Barabus yes....the RV
[11:09] Phoenix3333: it has been going down all weekend it seems
[11:09] Phoenix3333: started when we found those higher GCC rates showing on WF
[11:10] Phoenix3333: yes this is the weekend it seems
[11:11] Phoenix3333: so everyone think happy thoughts.
[11:21] Brabus: Phoenix - I would like your take on the implementation of Basil ll and Basil lll. According to some that I have followed this was supposed to be implemented effective 1/1/10 and I've always thought that it would be in conjunction with the RV.
[11:21] Dreamway: balmy 9 degrees here..took the pup out told her to make it quick
[11:21] Phoenix3333: then you will be fine
[11:21] sandman: ok ty
[11:21] Phoenix3333: Brabus I agree and it was as far as i know
[11:21] guest7039571: Anybiody got a tenativwe time frame on confirmation
[11:22] Phoenix3333: there have been some MAJOR things going on
[11:22] Phoenix3333: Hey point to ponder
[11:22] stargate: 5:00PM EST
[11:22] Brabus: That in itself is almost as important as the RV IMO
[11:22] warthog: thnx sg
[11:23] Phoenix3333: you guys know that O just signed the exc order for the free movment and action of Interpol and FenCEN in the US right?
[11:23] Brabus: yes
[11:23] Jc: Yep
[11:23] stargate: Are all banks supposed to be basil compliant?
[11:23] landinar: yes
[11:23] Phoenix3333: Well IF accounts were frozen here in the US by Interpol or FenCEN now that he has signed that order
[11:24] Phoenix3333: a person here would have little recourse and might have to appeal to the World Court for resolution
11:25] Phoenix3333: Which means a person would have to get a lawyer that was licenced to practice in Europe
[11:25] Phoenix3333: to even get any action
[11:25] Phoenix3333: just an observation
[11:25] warthog: but an astute one
[11:26] Phoenix3333: all the more reason to watch what we say
[11:26] Phoenix3333: lol
[11:26] warthog: here ya
[11:26] warthog: hear
[11:26] Meebo Message: guest9358399 is now known as buck2220
[11:26] Phoenix3333: wise as a serpent harmless as a dove............
[11:26] Jc: has left the room
[11:26] warthog: uinder the radar when you can
[11:26] Phoenix3333: Harmless...........................fuzzy puppies....bunnies
[11:26] Phoenix3333: lol
[11:27] landinar:
[11:27] Phoenix3333:
[11:27] Phoenix3333:
[11:27] TRUTH: Rush has been talking about the gov checking twitter and facebook and any social groups on the internet
[11:27] Phoenix3333:
[11:27] warthog: the cute cuddly panda from cutesville
[11:28] Phoenix3333: Thats right...they are doing that
[11:28] warthog: been doin that for a while now
[11:28] Phoenix3333: lol warthog
[11:28] Phoenix3333: yes....like it or not...right or not
[11:28] warthog: it is what it is
[11:29] Phoenix3333: all I know if the blacksmith says to me "look out that is hot" I do not pick it up
[11:29] Phoenix3333: and if you do and get burned
[11:29] Phoenix3333: then who is the dummy?
[11:30] Zazu: not the blacksmith
[11:30] Phoenix3333: lol
[11:30] warthog: brb
[11:30] Brabus: Interesting that we know that the ISX has been scheduled to re-open tomorrow, now we have the fake holiday for the CBI and all banks in Iraq closed. Ominous if you ask me.
[11:30] Phoenix3333: yup...the dummy who picks it up
[11:30] Phoenix3333: yes Barabus....great great great stuff
[11:31] Phoenix3333: I like it
[11:33] Nana-4X: That is great stuff Barbus.
[11:33] landinar:
[11:36] sandman: Dubai tower to open Monday. Tallest in the world.
[11:36] Phoenix3333: wow
[11:37] Phoenix3333: that is very interesting
[11:37] Brabus: Probably need the RV to open the doors... LOL
[11:37] Dreamway: so ..do you think the ball starts rolling with CBI change midnight in Iraq...4pm est...and then see it on forex this evening??
11:38] Phoenix3333: Link to Dubia Tower story http://www.lfprss.com/news/world/2010/1/03/12332366.html
[11:38] Phoenix3333: Dream I do not know
[11:38] Phoenix3333: we will just see
[11:38] Phoenix3333: all I know is that I am happy
[11:38] Phoenix3333:
[11:39] Dreamway: TY..me to
[11:39] Phoenix3333: Some have said the opening of Dubai tower is the symbolic reopening of the Tower of babel
[11:40] k8gjgb: Please let it be at least a rate of 2+, or 3+ SHOW ME THE MONEY
[11:43] Phoenix3333: Just like the rate of the Iraqi Dinar the height of the Dubai tower is a secret
[11:44] Rand: I would go up once to see the view, and that's it...
11:44] k8gjgb: well justa dreamin a little bit but I am hopeful
[11:44] Jc: K8 I think we all are...lol
[11:45] Phoenix3333: WOW
[11:46] Phoenix3333: I just found an article claiming that the Tower of Dubai IS the new tower of Babel!
[11:46] Phoenix3333: I will post this in the forum
[11:47] Brabus: How can that be when Dubai is certainly not in Babylon? Symbolic at best I would think
11:49] sandman: On FOX now...tower...2684 feet.
[11:49] rvnow: half mile high
[11:53] Phoenix3333: New Tower of Babel opens:
[11:54] Phoenix3333: Brarbus I would say that the kingdom of the new babylon will be all of the GCC with Iraq at the center
[11:54] stargate: was it not China who had the tallest building
[11:54] Phoenix3333: and the ancient city of Babylon in Iraq and the city of UR will be the esoteric focal points
11:55] Phoenix3333: SG
[11:55] Phoenix3333: I am sending you a PM in the forum
[11:55] stargate: I saw something on the news when they were setting off fireworks and they said something about China having the tallest building at the moment
[11:57] Phoenix3333: stargate you have a PM in the forum
[11:57] stargate: ok
[12:04] k8gjgb: ok make sure i understand go to forum under chats and then what it will be posted there
[12:05] k8gjgb: new password that is
[12:05] TRUTH: K8 top one Phoenix Chat -- click on it most likely
[12:05] k8gjgb: ok thanks appreciate it
[12:05] TRUTH: there will be highlighted or number to the side of unread posts
[12:06] TRUTH: hope that helps
[12:06] stargate: when you log onto the form you should see red blocks that say new, that's where you can find any new postings
[12:06] TRUTH: right
[12:07] yellowjacket: has left the room
[12:08] k8gjgb: I hope it does to just so excited I need to calm down a little bit lol
[12:08] TRUTH: this is the first time I have ever seen yellowjacket NOT in the room
[12:08] TRUTH: he just left - has been logged in forever - even with 2 warnings lol
[12:09] k8gjgb: he probably got bumped
[12:09] TRUTH: I do not think so
[12:09] k8gjgb: O
[12:09] stargate: I find it rather interesting that many of you seem to get bumped out of the chat room often. For some reason that never seems to happen to me.
[12:09] TRUTH: strange
[12:10] TRUTH: you are on a mac?
[12:10] stargate: Absolutely, I will never touch a PC
[12:10] TRUTH: lol
[12:10] stargate:
[12:11] k8gjgb: you are very lucky if i had your luck i would bet it all on number 7 lol
[12:11] stargate: truth, I would love to try and talk you into buying a Mac when the time comes,
[12:11] Phoenix3333: Ok
[12:12] Phoenix3333: we have a new moderator on the forum
[12:12] Phoenix3333: that will be Stargate
[12:12] stargate:
[12:12] TRUTH: I will listen I am very much open to it!!
[12:12] Phoenix3333: She will be a mod sometime today
[12:12] Phoenix3333: SG you have a PM in the forum
[12:13] stargate: ok
[12:13] TRUTH: welcome aboard Stargate
[12:13] sandman: Congrats Stargate!
[12:13] k8gjgb: congrads sg
[12:14] italiandreamer: Congratulations, Stargate!
[12:15] TRUTH: Great choice Phoenix
[12:15] stargate: thank you everyone
[12:15] k8gjgb: will this room automatically shut down when the change is made???
[12:16] TRUTH: this room will not shut down K8
[12:16] TRUTH: you just may see less names to the right until they all sign back in
[12:16] stargate: I think it's just a matter of changing the password,
[12:17] k8gjgb: then how are we suppose to know when to leave this room and move to the next one? I'm confused n
[12:18] stargate: perhaps it would be a good idea to post a notice for those logging on during the day to make people aware of the changes
[12:18] TRUTH: you will stay in this room K8 there is no other room
[12:18] TRUTH: good idea
[12:18] k8gjgb: so if you are loggeg on now and are a member you will not have to re-log on?
[12:19] k8gjgb: please do not get to impatient just want to make sure I am ther
[12:19] TRUTH: you will only go to the forum K8 if you leave this chat to get the new password
[12:19] k8gjgb: k
[12:20] stargate: k8gjgb, don't worry no one will be left behind
[12:20] TRUTH: then you will just come back in by using the new password
[12:20] TRUTH: we will help you
[12:20] k8gjgb: ok makes more since to me now
[12:20] k8gjgb: thank you soooooooooooo much
[12:20] TRUTH: sure
[12:21] Phoenix3333: I will just suprise everyone with the new password
[12:21] TRUTH: I think Phoenix is just tightening up security a little
[12:21] Phoenix3333: kind of like the RV
[12:21] Phoenix3333: just a little
[12:21] TRUTH: lol
[12:21] Phoenix3333: we need this
[12:21] Dreamway: great
[12:21] Phoenix3333: we are about to be very wealthy
[12:21] Phoenix3333: so because of that we will have the curious seeking info
[12:21] k8gjgb: AMEN
[12:22] Phoenix3333: this will get the attention of many
12:22] Phoenix3333: and some will even be vindictive
[12:22] Phoenix3333: those who sold all of their dinar
[12:22] Phoenix3333: those who mocked
[12:22] Phoenix3333: they will have dangerous attitudes and motives
[12:22] Phoenix3333: vindictive
[12:22] Phoenix3333: sooooooooooooooo
[12:22] Phoenix3333: be smart
[12:23] Phoenix3333: watch what you say and to whom you say it
[12:23] Phoenix3333: and we will not allow any new members to the forum
[12:23] Phoenix3333: because of this
[12:23] Phoenix3333: we do not need vindictive bitter people stalking out membership
[12:24] stargate: there are many people who hold grudges forever, sadly
[12:25] TRUTH: sadly agree stargate
[12:25] TRUTH: stargate
[12:25] landinar:
[12:26] TRUTH: and some who ride the fence
[12:26] TRUTH: or want to ride the fence
[12:26] Dreamway: ouch
[12:27] Phoenix3333: and they will see they are too late
[12:27] Phoenix3333: and yhose are the ones who will be vindictive
[12:27] Phoenix3333: also the ones who sold out
[12:27] Phoenix3333: they will be ones to watch out for
[12:28] Phoenix3333: so take note if there is anyone you befriended with personal info and later they sold all of their dinar but still know you hold dinar
[12:29] Phoenix3333: you could have a problem if nit handled well
[12:29] Phoenix3333: not
[12:29] Phoenix3333: not handled well
[12:29] k8gjgb: Phx i sent u a pm thanks
[12:30] Phoenix3333: in the forum?
[12:30] k8gjgb: yes sir
[12:31] Phoenix3333: ok did not get it yet
[12:31] k8gjgb: that is if I did it right lol
[12:32] Phoenix3333: got it
[12:34] k8gjgb: thanks for considering the request in advance
[12:35] spannster: has left the room
[12:36] Meebo Message: guest4427990 is now known as homie
[12:37] hiker: has left the room
[12:40] Phoenix3333: ok
[12:40] Phoenix3333: I will be back later
[12:40] homie: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100101/ts_afp/uaedubaiarchitecturetower_20100101182045
[12:40] Phoenix3333: everyone think happy thoughts'
[12:40] TRUTH: ok thanks for your time today
[12:40] Phoenix3333:
[12:40] Doublebottoms: I have to say that thanks to you, lakehouse, and others, I feel well prepared to successfully move forward, Phoenix
[12:40] landinar:
[12:40] TRUTH:
[12:40] Dreamway: thinking warm thoughts here too
[12:41] Dfrog: guess I am late to the party again
[12:42] Dfrog: Wow it was hard to get in here today
[12:42] TRUTH: Dfrog - the room has been full to capacity this am I will copy and post in forum
[12:42] TRUTH: I have it just about ready
[12:42] Dfrog: I figured as much, thanks for all you do truth
[12:42] Dfrog: Is it good?
[12:42] TRUTH: we will be getting a new password sometime today
[12:43] TRUTH: yes all good
[12:43] Dfrog: Cool
[12:43] Phoenix3333: Thanks
[12:43] Dfrog: I couldn't get on, so I went to DS and everyone is in a tizzy
[12:43] TRUTH: Stargate is a moderator now
[12:44] Dfrog: just read that...Congrats SG
[12:44] Phoenix3333: has left the room
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