[22:02] Phoenix3333: has joined the room
[22:02] Phoenix3333: Hi all...
[22:02] Phoenix3333: how is everyone?
[22:02] Phoenix3333: whoops....brb
[22:02] K8GJGB: hello sir
[22:02] Delphine: Hello
[22:02] Raiderman 86: was up
[22:02] Phoenix3333: brb
[22:02] Frogger1: grrrrrreat
[22:02] Phoenix3333: phone
22:02] Blitz: hello phx
[22:03] K8GJGB: hey blitz
[22:03] Blitz: hey K8
[22:03] leedinar: evening all, made it just in time
[22:03] K8GJGB: well maybe this is the RV call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[22:04] blueridge: hi phx
[22:04] leedinar: K8, found it, hope they know what they are talking about
[22:04] K8GJGB: yep me to
[22:05] serpico007:
[22:06] leedinar: I was so positive today, I went and bought me a new pair of shoes
[22:07] leedinar: told the wife, it was on the account of the new moon
[22:07] Doublebottoms: positive energy attracts abundance
[22:07] K8GJGB: hear that
[22:10] Phoenix3333: hey everyone
[22:10] TRUTH: Good Evening Phoenix
[22:11] Phoenix3333: nice day today and even nicer tomorrow
[22:11] Kahuna: evenin Phx
[22:11] warrior44: hi phx
[22:11] Phoenix3333: hi
[22:11] Doublebottoms: great study material
[22:11] K8GJGB: well how nice will it be tomorrow
[22:11] leedinar: was your day full of energy, and good thoughts
[22:12] badger: Hey Phx, thanks a lot! you got me watching videos and I've been stuck on them for hours!!!...LOL
[22:12] leedinar: wrote out my checks
[22:12] Phil2561: Yesterday wasn't too bad either.... found out my wife is pregnant.... it'll be our first.....
[22:13] badger: congrats Phil!!
[22:13] Raiderman 86: that is awesome phil
[22:13] sandman: Hi Phoenix...watched all the videos...very uplifting.
[22:13] K8GJGB: congrads to you both
[22:13] leedinar: congrats Phil
22:13] Phoenix3333: did great positive things
[22:13] Phil2561:
Thank you....
[22:13] Phoenix3333: a wonderful day getting read to get to the bank
[22:13] Phoenix3333: did some gifting and paperwork for taxes and the bank
[22:14] Phoenix3333: prep stuff getting ready to exchange
[22:14] Raiderman 86: so do you think this is it
22:15] spannster: Sweet Phoenix...Im ready myself
[22:15] warrior44: PHX, so do you think the rv has or will happen tonight?
[22:15] K8GJGB: what paper work will be needed for the exchange????
[22:16] Phoenix3333: no clue warrior
[22:16] Phoenix3333: all I know is everything is all ready
[22:16] Phoenix3333: My guess
[22:16] Phoenix3333: GUESS
[22:17] Phoenix3333: my guess is that we will see it announced sometime after the markets close for the weekends
[22:17] Phoenix3333: and next week on Tuesday we will all be in the banks exchanging our Dinar
[22:17] Frogger1: markets here?
[22:17] warrior44: I hope so
[22:18] leedinar: sounds excellent
[22:18] Frogger1: Are you talking NYSE Phx?
[22:18] Phoenix3333: so....anytime AFTER the markets and forex close for the weekend and BEFORE the Forex opens sunday evening
[22:18] Phoenix3333: Frogger all us stock and com. markets and the Foreax
[22:19] Phoenix3333: all the markets in the world
[22:19] Frogger1: got it
[22:19] Phoenix3333: my guess would be disclosure to the world sometime Sunday?
[22:20] Phoenix3333: just a guess....but we may hear of the news from people in Iraq before it is announced anywhere
[22:20] Phil2561: Do you think the article stating they were ending poverty and implementing their plan was kind like an announcement of the coming RV?
22:21] Phoenix3333: maybe...it was part of the bigger plan
[22:21] dinarhopeful: do we have many details on that meeting
[22:21] Phoenix3333: one of the many pieces
[22:22] Phoenix3333: hard to say...bad translations and few reports
[22:22] dinarhopeful: wasnt the press barred from it
[22:22] Phoenix3333: but it was a great news day
[22:23] dinarhopeful: yes it was
[22:23] Phoenix3333: and with the VP of Iraq meeting today closed door with Obama that was good
[22:23] Raiderman 86: someone said earlier that there was no media or a media blackout for the speech, so who was the speech directed towards
[22:23] warrior44: what happened to the poverty announcement today
[22:24] Raiderman 86: meant to erase that probably a bumb question, sorry
[22:24] Raiderman 86: dumb
[22:24] Boom: Why do you expect it this weekend so much,
[22:25] Doublebottoms: the only dumb question, is one that is not asked
[22:25] Phoenix3333: it was announced
[22:25] Boom: really, to who?
[22:25] Boom: not trying to be ignorant
[22:26] Phoenix3333: it is a reduction of poverty by allowing more food allocations over the next 5 years to the poor
[22:26] Phoenix3333: and to increase jobs over the next 5 years
[22:26] warrior44: thx
[22:27] Phoenix3333: and the Dutch forgave 100% of the Iraqi debt
[22:28] Phoenix3333: Here is the link http:// articles ofintere st-kelle y.blogsp ot.com/2 010/01/t o-launch -its-fir st-natio nal-stra tegy.htm l
[22:28] Phoenix3333: To launch its first national strategy for poverty alleviation
[22:29] Phoenix3333: it happened today boom
22:30] Boom: awesome
[22:30] leedinar: I hope that means what I hope it means
[22:31] Phoenix3333: well there was much going on behind the curtain today
[22:31] Phoenix3333: so I am expecting a great weekend!
[22:32] leedinar: both in and out of Iraq
[22:32] leedinar: great
[22:32] dinarhopeful: i hope this is the last weekend i have to look at dinars
[22:33] ntm: Phx how much longer do you think they can/will drag this out?
[22:33] Phoenix3333: well now
[22:33] Phoenix3333: as far as we know there are no delays
[22:33] Doublebottoms: weve been at this point countless times, but this has a positive feel it to me this time.
[22:33] Phoenix3333: and this is not drug out
[22:34] Phoenix3333: as far as we know everything is running like clockwork
[22:34] Phoenix3333: as far as we know everything is right on schedule
[22:34] Phoenix3333: you see....
[22:34] Phoenix3333: people THINK there are delays.....
22:35] Phoenix3333: but that is only because we do not have all of the true information
[22:35] Phoenix3333: because of the secret nature of this event
[22:35] leedinar: and a lot of misinfo
[22:35] ntm: ok ty Phx
[22:35] Phoenix3333: we will never know all of the workings...and there is no reason we should
[22:36] Phoenix3333: you see....people put out rumors...and when these rumors fail
[22:36] Phoenix3333: everyone THINKS there was a delay and that something has happened to stop this
[22:36] Phoenix3333: BUT what really happened was false information was put out for one reason or another
[22:37] Phoenix3333: and by the rumor dates coming and going it gives the illusion of delay
[22:37] Phoenix3333: the only delay and the only hold up may be in our own feeble minds
[22:37] Phoenix3333: lol
[22:37] Phoenix3333: so....
[22:38] Raiderman 86: ya, and there has been some real doosies
[22:38] Phoenix3333: daddy are we there yet?
[22:38] Phoenix3333: yes and by design
[22:38] Phoenix3333: bad information is floated all of the time
[22:38] Phoenix3333: for a reason
[22:39] Phoenix3333: so....best action to take is be ready be thankful have a plan and chill
[22:39] Phoenix3333:
[22:39] Raiderman 86: B)
22:39] Frogger1: (emo)
[22:39] Raiderman 86: now thats chill
[22:39] Phoenix3333: yes have we gotten fantastic info and news that all leads up to the RV happening right now? YES!
[22:40] K8GJGB: Phx what paper work will we need filled out before going to the bank
[22:40] Phoenix3333: do we have solid positive GREAT news that points to this happening right now? YES!~
[22:40] Phoenix3333: You will need nothing but ID for the bank...
[22:41] K8GJGB: thanks and a bank account hehehe
[22:41] Phoenix3333: You should have copies of all of your receipts for buying all of your dinar
[22:41] Phoenix3333: now I will take copies of all of my receipts to the bank with me also...
[22:42] K8GJGB: yes I have them
[22:42] Raiderman 86: you need id, what
[22:42] Phoenix3333: and keep the originals in the file
[22:42] Phoenix3333: now those will be needed for taxes
[22:42] Phoenix3333: it is best to have a bank account set up now
[22:43] Phoenix3333: Banks that will be doing this are said to be: Chase, Wells Fargo, Citi, Bank of America and TD
[22:43] Phoenix3333: there may be more...but those are the majors
[22:43] Phoenix3333: I think HSCB will also do the exchange
[22:44] Phoenix3333: Me I will go to my local bank
[22:44] Blitz: HSBC in canada say they don't and won't be dealing with IQD
[22:44] Phoenix3333: and have suggested the same to others
[22:44] Phoenix3333: BUT the choice is yours and yours alone
[22:44] K8GJGB: is one of the banks you mentioned your local bank?
[22:44] Doublebottoms: brick and mortar for me too
[22:44] Phoenix3333: Yes K8
[22:45] K8GJGB: Then I will go to Case tomorrow and open an account
[22:45] K8GJGB: chase
[22:45] Phoenix3333: Case? Going to buy a back Hoe?
[22:45] Phoenix3333:
[22:45] Doublebottoms: I think our banks will be more than glad to see us line up.
[22:46] warrior44: we don't have any of those banks in our town
[22:46] Phoenix3333: I think we will see something interesting from the US government on the taxes
[22:46] Phoenix3333: O man wants our bucks!
[22:47] Doublebottoms: a bigger cut for them perhaps ?
[22:47] Phoenix3333: Lake just posted that he is going to try to get all 401Ks turned into Treasury Bonds!
[22:47] warrior44: I bet they will want more than we would like to give
[22:47] Rand: Hola... From Mexico...
[22:47] Phoenix3333: so he will try to force all Americans to only buy US Treasury Bonds as retirement plans
[22:48] Phoenix3333: hey Rand
[22:48] Raiderman 86: i wonder if there is b of a in mexico
[22:48] Phoenix3333: hows the temp?
[22:48] leedinar: on a statement I received from Well fargo said changing name from foreign currency to International Exchanges and that all such exchanges would be a 3% fee
[22:48] Phoenix3333: 3%
[22:48] Phoenix3333: now that is not too bad
[22:48] Rand: Low 80's... A little cool...lol
[22:48] leedinar: little price
[22:49] Phoenix3333: that means they will get $30,000 for every million
[22:49] leedinar: I was thinking more like .o3%
[22:49] Doublebottoms: wow, how about capital gains, any changes there ?
[22:50] Raiderman 86: so for every 3 million i could have had another range rover
[22:50] Raiderman 86: bogus
[22:50] Phoenix3333: everyone will get a cut of this pie
[22:50] Phoenix3333: lets be happy and share
[22:50] Doublebottoms: maybe the piece will be bigger for us too ?
[22:51] leedinar: only the VND will go to WF
[22:51] Phoenix3333: when Big Brother comes to your door give him a cool drink and a sandwich
[22:51] Phoenix3333:
[22:51] Raiderman 86:
22:51] Phoenix3333: maybe so
[22:51] Phoenix3333: we will just see
[22:52] Phoenix3333: I am THRILLED to give cuts to banks...the IRS...the state....and whoever else is deemed
[22:52] Phoenix3333: lets just get this show on the road!
[22:52] leedinar: well, B of A would be my first choice but none around here
[22:52] Raiderman 86: agreed
[22:52] bulldog23: me to as long as we can get this done
[22:53] Doublebottoms: time for some gear shifting
[22:53] Raiderman 86: barrett jackson comin to town lets go now
[22:54] Doublebottoms: Raiderman, you can almost sit in the front row there
[22:54] leedinar: Phoenix, any news lately from GCC and the 29th Jan with new currency
[22:55] Raiderman 86: heck ya, be the big shot you know
[22:56] Raiderman 86: i have learned way to much from Phoenix to do that just creep around a bit and find daddy a new GTO
[22:56] K8GJGB: what would you say would be a good round number to figure total taxes to be paid on this investment would come too? about 40%
[22:56] leedinar: If Iraq joins GCC is that why we may only have a short redeem time ?
[22:56] Phoenix3333: not the 29th....it is next sat the 23rd
[22:57] Phoenix3333: K8 I overestimate to be safe
[22:57] Phoenix3333: and i go with 45% loss to taxes and fees
[22:58] Phoenix3333: anything better than that is great
[22:58] leedinar: wow, so this is a strong element in the time frame of things
[22:58] Phoenix3333: but better to over estimate to the worse side and be surprised with more money in the end than to be surprised the other way IMHO
[22:58] Doublebottoms: I'd like to hear more on the 23rd angle
[22:59] Phoenix3333: let me get you a link on the 23rd brb
[22:59] Doublebottoms: thanks
[23:00] Phoenix3333: GCC monetary authority launch January 23rd 2010
[23:00] Phoenix3333: http:// articles ofintere st-kelle y.blogsp ot.com/2 010/01/j anuary-2 3rd-gcc- monetary -authori ty.html
23:01] leedinar: Phoenix, when would be your guess on, or if, Iraq joines the GCC ?
[23:05] 48hotrod: phx, in order for Iraq to join the GCC, they will have to have a tradeable internation currency, correct? Maybe that will happen this weekend too
[23:05] Phoenix3333: I think it has happened
[23:05] 48hotrod: unternational
[23:05] Phoenix3333: and I think the formal announcement will come after the RV
23:06] Doublebottoms: I did not see that the article indicated we only get a few days to cashin, did I miss something ?
[23:06] Phoenix3333: Yes they will have to adjust before
[23:06] Phoenix3333: no one said that was in that article DB
[23:06] Phoenix3333: that is speculation
[23:07] Phoenix3333: but that is also intel I got almost one year ago
[23:07] Phoenix3333: that there would be a time limit to cash in
[23:07] Doublebottoms: ok, thanks for clarification
[23:07] Phoenix3333: and that that would be announced after the rate changed
[23:10] leedinar: so the wise thing to do is cash all IQD notes in position
[23:10] leedinar: ASAP
[23:11] Rand: Phoenix... I'm prepared to head straight to the airport if this rv's...
[23:11] leedinar: where are you Rand
[23:12] Rand: From Canada... But vacationing in Mexico...
[23:13] leedinar: bringing some pesos home with ya
3:14] Rand: No... Holding out on the Dinar...lol
[23:14] leedinar: that's the big one for sure
[23:15] Phoenix3333: lol
[23:15] Phoenix3333: I bet Rand
[23:15] Phoenix3333: how long you there for?
[23:16] Rand: Back next wednesday...Or sooner...
[23:18] Phoenix3333: I bet sooner
[23:19] Phoenix3333: ok....I have to get some reading done before bed
[23:19] TRUTH: Phoenix - May I post this chat in the forum? thanks
[23:19] Phoenix3333: It was great chatting with everyone....
[23:19] Phoenix3333: sure TS
[23:19] Phoenix3333: you are welcome EVERYONE
[23:20] Phoenix3333: stay positive!
[23:20] Phoenix3333: This is a HUGE day to think and to make your dreams come true
[23:20] Phoenix3333: faith prayer
[23:21] Phoenix3333: Thoughts become..THINGS!
[23:21] Phoenix3333: so think happy thoughts!
[23:21] Phoenix3333: Good stuff!
[23:21] Phoenix3333: for your great life!
[23:21] Phoenix3333: soooooo
[23:22] Phoenix3333: on that...goodnight!
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